Prototype Angel Halo

Prototype Angel Halo

In the 11th hour before Twilight of Imagination, those who survived Menevelon's initial attack worked tirelessly to find a way to bring back what was lost. To save those who would become the Remaining and prevent any more lives from being lost in the Vanguard of The End's misguided crusade. Damien, the Celestial Grand Scientist put many plans into action in order to avert the ensuing apocalypse Menevelon wished to bring about. One such project was given the codename Angel Halo.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Prototype Angel Halo had a ton of special abilities, and only a small fraction of which were used before it was crtically damaged during Twilight of Imagination. All of the abilities the suit are locked under Memory Release Seals which can be unlocked via a technique known as Perfect Weapon Control.
Ability Name Ability Description
Strength of Aether By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Aether, the wielder is capable of drawing energy from the Aether. Due to the fact this was never used before the Suit's Destruction, we do not know exactly what this ability could have done.
River of Athoholan By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Memories, the wielder is capable of performing memory manipulation techniques with relative ease. While it is not clear what this was capable of doing, it is likely it allowed for altering, fabricating, erasing, sealing and unsealing memories of a chosen target
Prometheus's Eternal Flame By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Pyrus, the Wielder gains the power of the Eternal Flame. This grants said wielder True Fire Manipulation, with only the Flamekeeper holding a higher Authority level of the flame than the wielder. As this is an ability that was used before the suits destruction, we know that it held at least 3 release stages.
Prometheus's Eternal Flame: Enhance Stage Upon activation, the wielders ideal ranged weapon will form in their hand before bursting into flames. This flaming weapon will not incinerate itself, but each shot will do 60 Billion damage to the wielder's target. If Overclock is also active, this damage is increased 1000 fold.
Prometheus's Eternal Flame: Recollection Release Phase 1: Undying Flame Upon activating Undying Flame, the weapon itself will in fact incinerate itself before launcing a single destructive flame beam attack at a target, incinerating any obstacles in the way of reaching their target. Upon reaching the target, the Undying Flame will do a devastating 600 Billion damage to the target it hits. If Overclock is also active, this damage is increased 1000 fold.
Prometheus's Eternal Flame: Recollection Release Phase 2: Reborn from the Ashes Upon Activating Reborn from the Ashes, the wielder gets consumed by the fires from undying flame, being transformed into a massive Phoenix. Each attack the Wielder does while Reborn from the Ashes is active does an unprecedented 1T damage per strike. Reborn from the Ashes will take 25% of Angel Halo's Maximum Power per strike.
Gaia's Blessing By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Earth, the wielder can activate Blessing of Gaia. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Gust of Aura By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Air, the wielder can activate Gust of Aura. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Oceanus's Great Flood By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Water, the wielder can activate Oceanus's Great Flood. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Erebus's Suffucating Darkness By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Darkness, the wielder can activate Erebus's Suffucating Darkness. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Erebus's Suffucating Darkness By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Darkness, the wielder can activate Erebus's Suffucating Darkness. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Hemera's Divine Light By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Light, the wielder can activate Hemera's Divine Light. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Hemera's Divine Light By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Light, the wielder can activate Hemera's Divine Light. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Ourea's Grace By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Material, the wielder can activate Ourea's Grace. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Ananke's Bane By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Reality, the wielder can activate Ananke's Bane. This has been shown to have at least one phase of activation.
Ananke's Bane: Enhance Stage Upon Activating Ananke's Bane, the wielder can release a red wave of celestial energy. When used against Entropy of Lethe or as a counter to the Oblivion Flame, Ananke's Bane and either Entropy of Lethe or the Oblivion Flame will cancel each other out.
Blessings and Curses of Phanes and Thanotos By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Life and Death, the wielder can activate Blessings and Curses of Phanes and Thanotos. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Foresight of Chronos By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Time, the wielder can activate Foresight of Chronos. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
The Morai's Temptations By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Fate, the wielder can activate The Morai's Temptations. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Grace of El By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Cyclius, the wielder can activate Grace of El. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Athena's Mercy By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Protection, the wielder can activate Athena's Mercy. Since As this is an ability that was used before the suits destruction, we know it had at least 2 activation stages.
Athena's Mercy: Enhance Stage Upon activating Athena's Mercy, a golden dome of energy will encircle the target, shielding them from any and all harm that might befall them.
Athena's Mercy: Recollection Release Phase 1: Athena's Protection Upon activating Athena's Protection, the golden dome from Athena's Mercy will expand to envelop the entire area, allowing for shielding an entire planet from harm if need be. If Overclock is active, this shield will expand to envelop an entire verse, but any damage dealt to it will be transferred to the Wielder.
Grace of El By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Cyclius, the wielder can activate Grace of El. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Chaos of Null By tapping into the Celestial Signet of True Null, the wielder can activate Chaos of Null. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Celestial Loan By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Internmis, the wielder can activate Celestial Loan. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
The Beginning By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Genesis, the wielder can activate The Beginning. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Celestial Revelations By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Revelations, the wielder can activate Celestial Revelations. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Transmutation of Spirit By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Alchemy, the wielder can activate Transmutation of Spirit. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
TRUTH of the World By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Universius, the wielder can activate TRUTH of the World. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Blessing of Thesis By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Creation, the wielder can activate Blessing of Thesis. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Perses's Unyielding Wrath By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Destruction, the wielder can activate Perses's Unyielding Wrath. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Entropy of Lethe By tapping into the Celestial Signet of Oblivion, the wielder can activate Entropy of Lethe. As this was never used before the Suit was destroyed, it's entirely unclear what this would have been capable of.
Overclock By Activating Overclock, the wielder can completely release all artificial power limiters placed on Angel Halo, allowing them full access to the suits potential, at the cost of increasing the strain on the wielder to the point where it will start to kill the wielder.

Manufacturing process

Since this suit was only ever manufactured once, it is not entirely clear how one would go to manufacture it again. However it is known that Damien used the Celestial Forge in order to melt down the Alchemite and cast it into the suit that became known as Prototype Angel Halo.


In the 11th hour, while Ramon was figuring out how to defeat Menevelon without dooming the rest of creation in the process, Damien began working in his Timevault on a Prototype Superweapon that he hoped would be capable of killing a Fallen Celestial. Damien was not fond of having to take such a drastic measure, but since Menevelon had dusted IRyS and in the process erased the cure to The Corruptix Curse, there was no other way he could think of to deal with the Fallen. Or at least that was the case before Damien realized he could likely bring IRyS back using the Advanced Energy Lab. Damien asked his SI Bianca to shelve the project until he could figure out how to remedy the power overflow flaw. A bit after IRyS was resurrected, Damien unsealed the project and made major changes to it's design.
I realized we were making the Ascalon, when instead we should be working towards something else. Anything can be a weapon in the wrong hands. But in the right ones, maybe this can actually do some good.
Damien then finished configuring the design before forging the Protype Suit from a now unobtainable material called Alchemite. However, due to being extremely short on time, Damien was unable to finish testing the suit and thus he chose to shelve it with the intent to finish it at a later date. Unfortunately, Damien would not be allowed to chance to finish it before Aurora chose to don the suit in battle against Menevelon. Menevelon was swiftly defeated with the help of the Parallels and the Fallen, as well as the Archfiends and Virtues, but Elesis's stress reached critical levels as her stress nova began to threaten to incinerate the Imaginary Tree. Thinking quickly, Aurora Overclocked Angel Halo and sacrificed herself and the suit in order to try and contain the blast. 70 years after the Suit was critically damaged, Aurora found the Suit in her Fathers storage and chose to melt it down to use its materials as part of Prototype Northern Lights.


While Angel Halo may have originally been designed as the ultimate superweapon with the purpose of being able to successfully kill a Fallen like Bele, Damien drastically altered the design entirely before producing the CyberSuit. After completing the design, Damien melted down the last Guardian Angel Blades in existence to use as material for Angel Halo. This act destroyed the last blades that could split the Archfiends from their hosts, a necessary sacrifice in Damien's eyes to make sure they could not repeat the same mistake the Celestials made back in the final hours before their fall.

This is a Stub

History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

This entry is a Stub and will be expanded on in the future.

Rift Born Entry

Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

This entry is for a Rift Born, an entity who has arrived here via the Genesis Chamber. Their story has only just begun, so expect this entry to be updated quite often as their story unfolds within the vast expanse.

WIP Character Entry

Your story has only just begun.

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Angel Halo by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Cropped from Aurora's Avatar by LegendaryFawfulWaffle)
Melted down and used to make Northern Lights
CTACS tier
Power Level
Item type
Electronic / Cybernetic
Creation Date
Destruction Date
Current Location
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Related Technologies
Prototype Angel Halo was an entirely unique and one of a kind piece of equipment. Only one was ever made, and it was damaged beyond repair during the final hours of Twilight of Imagination.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Prototype Angel Halo was primarily forged from an element known as Alchemite, with the Celestial Signets Embedded across the suit to boost it's already insane power.

Cover image: Angel Halo by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Cropped from Aurora's Avatar by LegendaryFawfulWaffle)
This article has no secrets.


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