Theo Lumiere Character in The Metaverse RPN | World Anvil

Theo Lumiere

Hope is for the foolish, reality is for the wise.

This is an Entity Entry written entirely by one of our players, Lorenzo, on a character entirely of their own design. Do you want the chance to make your mark on the history of this vast expanse? Join us in our Guilded! Your hands literally write our lore!

Phantasmeus Deus Theo Lumiere (a.k.a. Blackflute)

Theo Lumiere, also known as Phantasmus Deus, is a tragic figure in the world of magic. Born an orphan, Theo was taken in by a renowned light mage and treated as his own. The mage trained Theo in the ways of light magic, and even gifted him with a flute that would allow him to harness the power of light energy.   But despite the love and guidance provided by his adoptive father, Theo couldn't help but be curious about the forbidden arts of dark magic. He started experimenting with it in secret, gradually delving deeper into the abyss of darkness. As he continued to practice, he started to lose his humanity and personality.   Eventually, Theo's dark practices were discovered by his father and the light mage community. He was banished and cast out from society, forced to wander alone as a pariah. But Theo's descent into darkness was not complete. He was still searching for a purpose, a reason to continue existing.   Theo's power as a dark mage is undeniable, and he wields it with deadly precision. But there is a sense of sadness that surrounds him, as if he is an empty vessel, wandering aimlessly in search of something to fill the void within him. He causes harm, but not with intention. He is a victim of his own curiosity, and the price he paid for it was his very humanity.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

— Theo's physique is lean, yet toned. Standing at 5'7 and weighing 135lbs, he is the epitome of a man who values health and fitness. His pale peach skin is a canvas for his silver-white hair which falls in loose waves around his face. His crimson eyes are striking, standing out against his fair complexion. They seem to hold a depth that belies his young age, hinting at the experiences and knowledge he has gained throughout his life.   One of the most notable features of Theo's body is his hands. They are long and slender, with fingers that are almost delicate in appearance. However, despite their fragile appearance, his hands are strong and capable, a testament to his mastery of the magical arts. His movements are graceful and fluid, as if every muscle in his body has been trained to work in perfect harmony.   Theo's face is a study in contrasts. His features are sharp and angular, with a strong jawline and a pointed chin. His nose is straight and narrow, and his lips are thin and curved in a perpetual frown. However, despite the severity of his features, there is a hint of softness around his eyes, a subtle reminder of the humanity that still exists within him.   Despite his young age, Theo's body bears the marks of his experiences. He does not have any tattoos, but his body is scarred from battles fought and won. These scars are not simply physical, but emotional as well, a reminder of the darkness that he has dabbled in. He wears these marks with a sense of pride, knowing that they are the proof of his strength and power.   As a mage, Theo's physique is a reflection of his dedication to his craft. He is not a brute force, but a master of subtlety and finesse. His body is a weapon, honed and perfected through years of training and practice. He is a being of light and darkness, a balance of power and control.

Physical quirks

— Theo has a subtle slouch to his posture, as if he is constantly trying to make himself seem smaller and less noticeable. He also has a tendency to fidget, twirling a strand of hair around his finger when deep in thought or drumming his fingers on surfaces when feeling anxious. His eyes are constantly darting around, taking in his surroundings with a sense of curiosity and caution. He has a slight scar above his left eyebrow, that he got from an accident when he was younger. Despite being lean, he has a subtle athletic build, from the constant training and movement he does.

Special abilities

— Phantasmeus Deus, another name for Theo Lumiere, is a fearsome troubadour who specializes in dark magic. He utilizes his mystical flute, The Harlit, to call forth and command supernatural beings. He employs this flute, a special instrument that can make a myriad of ear-piercing and disorienting melodies, to confound and disorient his adversaries. With the help of his powerful black sorcery, Theo may smite adversaries, conjure false images, and perhaps even change the course of actuality. He can use his flute to call and control phantom spirits, whom he may then compel to perform his bidding. These spirits have the capacity to inhabit his adversaries' bodies, turning them against their compatriots, or even to unleash devastating bursts of demonic fury.   Theo has the capability to harness the strength of the spirits around him and safeguard himself and others by forging strong talismans. These talismans can be employed to curse competitors, call out strong spirits, and fend against bad spirits. Although Theo's black magic is exceptionally strong, there is a cost to be paid. He becomes more and more like an empty vessel as a result of the impact that it has on his body and psyche with prolonged use. Despite this, Theo keeps using his abilities while wandering alone all throughout the globe in quest of significance and purpose.

Apparel & Accessories

— Theo Lumiere's clothing symbolizes both his upbringing and his black magic prowess. He dresses with a gloomy color scheme of crimson and black to represent the strength and peril of black powers. Black represents the darkness and secrecy that surround dark magic, while crimson presupposes the great energy and passion that it necessitates.   He wears a long, flowing black cloak with beautiful crimson embroidery as his clothing. For simplicity of movement when performing spells, the cloak is fashioned of a durable yet lightweight fabric. He frequently draws the hood of the cloak up to obscure his face, giving him a more enigmatic and menacing appearance.   In order to move freely during combat, he is dressed in a tailored black tunic and soft, breathable trousers underneath the cloak. His boots are composed of steel-reinforced black leather for support and protection while he wanders.   He has a flute in his possession that is made of black wood, which he utilizes to channel his dark magic skills. The flute is meticulously carved with black magic runes and symbols, signifying his devotion to the practice and the potency it has. The flute, a symbol of his history and the authority he currently has, is also claimed to have been given to him by his father.

Specialized Equipment

The Harlit

The magical flute known as The Harlit is crucially significant to Theo. His father was a well-known light magician who gave it to him as a gift because he wanted to teach his son witchcraft and pass on his knowledge and abilities. Theo was keen to follow in his father's footsteps at the moment and was enthusiastic to study the arts of light magic. The complex markings and runes etched into the surface of the Harlit show the extraordinary care and attention to detail that went into its creation. With the assistance of their potent magic, these symbols may be used to cast spells and harness light energy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

To improve readability, we have divided this Section into "Chapters," as it were. Each Section will have a Header above it which you can access from the Table of Contents for this entry.

Chapter One — Nobody

When he found himself alone on the streets, Theo Lumiere was only a small child, no more than six years old. He lacked a family, a home, and parents. All he had were the worn-out clothing on his shoulders and the empty, growling pit in his stomach. People were passing by him in the congested, filthy streets without giving him a moment's thought. He was clueless about what to do or where to go. He was only thinking of the immediate need to urgently get food and shelter. The days were long and arduous, with the sun cruelly pounding down on him. His throat was parched from thirst, and his feet hurt from all the walking. He combed the streets for food leftovers, rummaged through the trash, and begged passersby for spare change. However, no one was willing to give anything away, so he was left to fend for himself. He was alone, starving, and frail.   And things started getting worse at nightfall. Theo was terrified since the streets were pitch-black and hazardous. In order to hide from view and maintain his warmth, he crouched in doors and alleyways. However, the chill crept up into his bones, and he couldn't get rid of the sense that he was being watched. Hallucinations and nightmares tormented him, and in his imagination he constantly saw monsters and devils lurking around. Sweating profusely and with a racing heart, he would awaken in this circumstances. Theo started to lose hope as the days went by. He was unsure of how long he could make it on the streets. The world was a harsh and unforgiving realm, and he was only a little defenseless youngster. He had no friends, family, or other support system. It was just him. He began to accept that this is how his life would be going forward; he would struggle every day to survive until he gave in to the brutal truth of his predicament. He had no goals or objectives other than to just live in the here and now, waiting for his time to be over.  

Chapter Two — Hope

As the sun sank in the narrow, filthy alleyway where Theo was curled up in a corner, attempting to stay warm, the streets were chilly and gloomy. He had long since given up on hope and accepted a life of famine and destitution. At the early age of six, he was simply anticipating the end of his time. He had no friends, relatives, or other sources of support. He had mastered self-sufficiency, foraging wherever he could for food and cover. He was shivering and starving when a person came over to him. He first recoiled in anticipation of another vicious mischief. But Theo could see that the man was atypical when he got closer. He was a good-looking man in his 40s with soft eyes and a nice face. He had a nice wool robe across his shoulders and was well-dressed. He had a tiny bundle of bread and cheese in one hand.   The man knelt down beside Theo and offered him the food.
"Here, child,"
he said, his voice soft and soothing.
"You look like you could use a warm meal."
  Theo paused as his hunger pangs intensified. He had been duped by individuals who had offered him food only to take it away much too frequently. But there was something distinctive about this man. Theo couldn't refuse his offer since he appeared sincere and he was too hungry. He cautiously extended his hand to take the bread and cheese. The man watched him with a gentle, patient face while he ate in quiet. The man extended his hand to Theo once he was done.  
"My name is Liu,"
he said.
"I know you have had a hard life on the streets, but I want to help you. I can offer you a warm bed, good food, and a safe place to stay. Will you come with me?"
  Theo closely scrutinized the man as he stared up at him. He realized this was an opportunity he couldn't miss since he could see the sincere care and worry in his eyes. He grasped Liu's hand and consented to being pulled to his feet. Theo couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism growing inside him as they strolled through the streets together. Although he had no idea what lay ahead, he felt as though he had a shot at leading a better life for the first time in a very long time. He didn't realize it yet, but Liu was the one who would teach him how to utilize magic and his Harlit flute.  

Chapter Three — Light.

Theo had been residing with Liu for three months at this juncture, and he had at last discovered a home. When he was only a starved, disheveled orphan wandering the streets with nothing on him except the rags on his back and the bitter taste of hopelessness in his tongue, Liu had taken him in. Theo had initially been dubious about Liu's offer of food and lodging. He had been conned countless times previously by those who had promised him a better life only to treat him like trash after using him. Liu, though, had been unique. Theo had grown to trust him because of his generosity and patience over time. Liu was not simply a kind stranger; he was also a strong white wizard who was well-liked and respected across the realm. He had taken Theo under his wing, teaching him the practices of white witchcraft and assisting him in harnessing the force of light. He was a master of light magic. Theo had never had such a sense of purpose before, and as he gained knowledge and grew more powerful, he also experienced a sense of optimism he had never known.   He had never previously experienced such tranquility. Liu's home was a lavish oriental mansion with elaborately carved woodwork and chandeliers decorated with gold-leafed frames. Large windows that let light into the room and polished dark wood flooring gave the space a brighter, richer vibrant appearance. He got a tiny, comfortable room to himself with a window overlooking the garden. He had his own cabinet where he stored his clothing, the bed was comfortable, and the blankets had a lavender fragrance. It made him feel exceptional and protected because he had never had his own bedroom before. A large collection of books about magic, history, and literature could be found in Liu's library. Theo would read for hours, learning about magic and its potential applications. He was grateful to Liu for teaching him how to read because he had never been able to before. He would also assist Liu with his experiments, including making talismans and producing elixirs and potions. He found the encounter to be unusual yet enjoyable.   Liu would treat the ill and injured at his clinic with assistance from Theo. He would observe Liu at work and learn how to treat and heal people using magic. He would also assist Liu in planting wildflowers, herbs, and vegetables in his garden. He would see Liu take care of the plants and learn how to utilize magic to stimulate their growth. Theo had finally discovered his mission, and he was pleased and joyful. He had at last discovered a home and a family, and he had at last found himself. He had finally found a home and was no longer an orphan. In the gloom of his existence, he had at last discovered light.

Chapter Four — ...Light?

Theo had been living with Liu for several months now, and had grown to consider the older man a father figure. He had been studying white magic under Liu's tutelage and had made great progress, but something always seemed to be missing. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt an emptiness inside of him. Theo eventually stumbled upon a book that drew his attention while perusing Liu's home's library. It was a substantial book with a leather cover and black writing within. The impulse to take it up and go through its pages couldn't be resisted by Theo since it appeared to be giving off an eerie atmosphere.   Theo was really attracted by the prohibited knowledge the book carried, which was full of material regarding darker magic. He hurriedly concealed the book in his bedroom since he didn't want Liu to learn about his fascination with black magic. Theo couldn't stop thinking about the book for days. Every time he had a bit of spare time, he would slip away to read it. He was drawn to black magic because of its potential and potency, and he couldn't help but be captivated by it.   Liu unexpectedly surprised Theo by giving him a stunning white and gold flute. Although Theo was ecstatic and overwhelmed, he couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse for his covert interest in the dark arts. He kept his newfound knowledge to himself, practicing with his new flute and secretly advancing farther into the prohibited world of black magic since he knew Liu wouldn't ever appreciate it. Theo learned more about black magic over time, and he saw a growing attraction to its potency. He was aware that he was on a perilous road, yet he couldn't help but feel eager and motivated. He was excited to see where it would lead him now that he had finally discovered what he had been looking for.   Theo gradually improved as he learnt and used magic, experiencing a growing sense of belonging. The home was large, especially for an oriental mansion, and it was lavishly decorated in every nook and crannies. Although he was appreciative of Liu and understood that he would always be in his debt to him, he secretly understood that he would eventually have to heed the call of the dark arts. He was aware that at some point he would be forced to choose between the light and the dark, between both the security and protection of Liu's instruction and the forbidding grandeur of the dark arts. But for the time being, he was satisfied to adhere to the rules while exploring the enigmatic realm of magic and figuring out his purpose.  

Chapter Five — Truth

Theo had been living with Liu for several months, learning the ways of white magic and becoming increasingly happy. However, as he continued to practice, he noticed that his flute, a gift from Liu, was starting to lose its luster. The white and gold instrument was becoming dull, the gold turning a shade of red. Liu had noticed this too, but didn't say anything to Theo.   One day, while Theo was out in the garden, Liu decided to investigate. He went into Theo's room and found the book on dark arts that Theo had been hiding. Disappointed, Liu banished Theo from his home, telling him that he could come back once he got his mind straight. Theo was confused and traumatized by this sudden turn of events. He felt like he was being abandoned again and that he had been tricked. He didn't understand why Liu had kicked him out without giving him a chance to explain. He took Liu's words as a message, "don't come back, I never want to see you again." Theo wandered the streets, his heart heavy with sadness and confusion. He had finally found a place where he felt like he belonged, and now it was gone. He didn't know where to go or what to do. He felt lost and alone, not understanding why things had turned out this way. He wished he had been given a chance to explain himself, to show Liu that he had not meant to turn to the dark arts out of malice, but out of a desire to learn and understand all forms of magic. But now it was too late, and Theo was left to pick up the pieces of his shattered life.  

Chapter Six — The Lone Wanderer

Theo had been wandering for months, ever since he had been banished from Liu's home. He couldn't believe that he had been kicked out so easily, without even being given a chance to explain or defend himself. But he knew deep down that it was his own fault. He had been curious, and that curiosity had led him down a path that he never should have taken. He had learned about the dark arts, and even though he had never intended to use them, the mere knowledge of them had been enough to make Liu turn his back on him.   As he traveled, Theo couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness inside. He missed the warmth and comfort of Liu's home, and he missed the sense of belonging that he had felt while living there. But now, he was alone once again, a lone wolf wandering the countryside. He had his magic to keep him company, however. He had become quite skilled in its use, and he knew that it would be able to protect him if he ever needed it. But even with this newfound power, he couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that had settled in his heart.   Theo wandered from country to country, kingdom to kingdom, always on the lookout for a new place to call home. But no matter where he went, he always felt like an outsider. He had become so accustomed to being alone that he found it hard to connect with other people. He would often stay in the background, avoiding attention and trying not to disappoint anyone. His flute, which had once been white and gold, was now completely black and crimson red. It was a reflection of the changes that had taken place within him. He had become a different person, and he knew that he could never go back to who he used to be.   As he traveled, Theo found that he was drawn to graveyards. They were the only places where he felt truly at peace. He would often sleep among the graves, feeling a sense of comfort in their silent presence. He knew that these were the only places where he wouldn't be judged or rejected. Despite the hardships he faced, Theo never gave up hope. He knew that one day, he would find a place where he truly belonged. But until that day came, he would continue to wander, a lone wolf searching for his pack.


Theo's sexuality is a complex and nuanced aspect of his character. In the olden times of China, same-sex attraction was considered taboo and was often met with discrimination and societal rejection. This made it difficult for Theo to fully explore and accept his own sexuality. He has always felt more inclined to be attracted to men, but due to the societal norms of his time, he never fully delved into this aspect of himself.   Despite his internal struggles, Theo is not someone who allows his sexuality to define him. He has always been more focused on his journey of self-discovery and personal growth. He has always been a reserved person and not someone who likes to draw attention to himself. This is why, despite his attraction to men, he has never actively pursued romantic relationships. Theo's sexuality is not a big portion of who he is, but it is an important part of his identity that he has had to confront and reconcile with throughout his journey. He has always been someone who is in touch with his emotions and feelings, but this aspect of himself was something that was difficult for him to accept. He has come to realize that accepting himself, including his sexuality, is an ongoing process. It's a part of his personal growth, and he's continually working on it.


Theo's education is not something that he would typically discuss or advertise. He is a self-taught individual, having learned through his experiences and the books he's come across during his travels. He is highly knowledgeable in various subjects such as history, literature, and the dark arts. However, this education is not something that he received in a formal setting such as a school or university, but rather through his own personal study and experimentation.   He is highly skilled in the art of magic and is able to use it in various forms such as divination, spell casting, and alchemy. He also has a deep understanding of various cultures and languages, being able to fluently speak English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. This knowledge and understanding of different cultures allows him to blend in and move unnoticed in various places, which is a useful skill for someone who is constantly on the move.   In terms of formal education, it is likely that Theo did not receive much, if any. He may have attended some form of schooling in his youth, but it is clear that he is self-taught and has learned the majority of his knowledge through his own personal experiences and studies.


Theo, as a wanderer, does not have a traditional employment. He relies on his knowledge and skills in magic to survive, often using it to earn money through small jobs such as healing or divination. He may also take on odd jobs such as manual labor or thievery to make ends meet. He is not picky about the work he takes on, as long as it pays enough to sustain him on his travels. Despite this, Theo is highly educated and has a vast knowledge of various subjects, acquired through his wanders and self-education. He is particularly knowledgeable in the field of magic and the occult, as well as ancient literature and history.

Mental Trauma

Theo's mental trauma was deep and all-encompassing. The feeling of abandonment and betrayal by Liu, combined with the guilt and confusion surrounding his interest in dark magic, weighed heavily on his mind. He struggled to trust anyone, constantly second-guessing their motives and fearing that they would ultimately reject or betray him. His self-worth and self-esteem were nearly non-existent, as he saw himself as a monster for being drawn to the dark arts. He was plagued by nightmares and flashbacks of the day Liu kicked him out, reliving the pain and hurt of that moment over and over again. He felt like he didn't belong anywhere and that he was doomed to be alone forever. He was consumed by a deep, overwhelming sadness and depression that made it hard for him to find any joy or purpose in life. He found solace in the quiet and solitude of graveyards, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the dead who were also alone and forgotten. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was not meant to be in this world and that he should have never existed.

Intellectual Characteristics

Theo's intellectual characteristics would include his keen mind, his thirst for knowledge, and his ability to think critically. He is a quick learner and is able to absorb and process new information with ease. He has a natural curiosity and is always looking to expand his understanding of the world around him. He is able to analyze situations and come up with logical solutions, and is not afraid to ask questions and seek answers. He is also an adept problem-solver and is able to see things from different perspectives. Additionally, he is highly intelligent and has a deep understanding of magic, especially white and dark arts. He can connect the dots and make sense of complex ideas, and is able to think abstractly and make connections between seemingly unrelated concepts. He also has a good memory, which helps him remember all the things he learned during his travels.

Morality & Philosophy

"The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing."


Theo's morality is a complex and nuanced aspect of his character. On one hand, he is deeply committed to the principles of white magic, which emphasizes the importance of compassion, healing, and protection. He is deeply empathetic and cares deeply about the well-being of others, and feels a strong sense of responsibility to use his powers to help those in need. However, after his experience with Liu and the discovery of dark arts, Theo's morality begins to shift. He becomes more inclined towards the darker aspects of magic, and starts to rely on it heavily. He starts to see it as a means to an end, a tool to be used to achieve his goals rather than a principle to be upheld. He begins to question the morality of using dark magic, but ultimately decides that the ends justify the means.   Theo's mental trauma also play a role in his moral compass, as he starts to see the world in a more cynical and jaded way. He becomes more withdrawn and distant, and begins to view people as nothing more than means to an end. He becomes more self-centered and starts to care less about the well-being of others. He becomes more pragmatic and less idealistic, and starts to see the world as a harsh and unforgiving place. His morality also becomes more fluid and flexible, as he starts to see the world in shades of gray rather than black and white. He starts to question the traditional definitions of good and evil, and starts to see the world in a more nuanced way. He starts to see that sometimes the line between good and evil is blurred and that there are no easy answers.


Theo's philosophy is deeply rooted in his experiences and his study of the Dark Arts. He has come to believe that true power and control come from mastering the darker aspects of magic, and that traditional morality and ethics are a hindrance to achieving this power. He has become increasingly nihilistic, seeing the world as a cruel and uncaring place where only the strong survive. He has come to view the concept of good and evil as meaningless constructs created by those in power to control the masses. He has also come to believe that the end justifies the means, and that any means necessary should be employed to achieve one's goals. He has become increasingly ruthless and calculating in his actions, willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve his own power and control.   Theo's philosophy is also heavily influenced by his own feelings of abandonment and betrayal. He has come to view relationships and connections with others as a liability, believing that they will ultimately only lead to disappointment and hurt. As such, he has become fiercely independent and self-reliant, valuing his own strength and power above all else. Theo's philosophy is also heavily influenced by his own feelings of abandonment and betrayal. He has come to view relationships and connections with others as a liability, believing that they will ultimately only lead to disappointment and hurt. As such, he has become fiercely independent and self-reliant, valuing his own strength and power above all else. He is not willing to trust anyone because of past experiences and has become paranoid about people's intentions. He is always on guard, not willing to let his guard down. His philosophy is a reflection of his past trauma, and it has become a driving force in his actions and decisions.


The use of dark magic. He struggles with the moral implications of using it and feels guilty for relying on it. He doesn't like to use it unless it is absolutely necessary, and even then he feels a great deal of internal conflict. He also worries about the impact it might have on his soul and the possibility of losing his humanity.   As a person who's inclined to like the same gender in ancient China, he struggles with societal expectations and the taboo surrounding homosexuality. He doesn't like to talk about it or think about it, and often pushes it to the back of his mind. He doesn't want to be seen differently by others, and he doesn't want to be ostracized because of it. He also worries about what kind of impact it might have on his relationships and his image.

Personality Characteristics


Theo's motivation is a complex and ever-evolving thing. Initially, he was driven by a desire to learn and understand the world around him. He was fascinated by the magic he discovered and the secrets it held, and he spent much of his time studying and practicing it. However, as he delved deeper into the dark arts, he began to see the power it held and how it could be used for personal gain. This led to a shift in his motivation, as he began to see the potential for using his knowledge and abilities to gain wealth and status.   As he traveled from country to country, kingdom to kingdom, he also began to see the darker sides of humanity and the corruption that often accompanied power. This disillusionment further fueled his desire for personal gain and a growing sense of cynicism and distrust towards others. However, despite his growing obsession with power and wealth, Theo also struggled with feelings of guilt and shame over his actions. He began to question the morality of using magic for personal gain and the cost to his own soul. He often found himself torn between his desire for power and his sense of right and wrong.   Theo's motivation is a complex mix of ambition, greed, and self-doubt. He is driven by a desire to understand and control the world around him, but also haunted by the consequences of his actions and the sacrifices he went through.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Theo's savvies include his intelligence, his ability to think strategically, and his proficiency in magic. He has a deep understanding of the arcane arts and is able to wield them effectively. Additionally, Theo is a skilled musician and has a natural talent for playing the flute.   His ineptitudes include his social skills and his emotional intelligence. Due to his traumatic past and his tendency to withdraw from others, Theo has difficulty connecting with others and building relationships. He also struggles with self-doubt and has a tendency to be hard on himself. Additionally, Theo's reliance on dark magic has caused him to struggle with morality and has led to a decline in his humanity. Another of his ineptitude is his lack of understanding of the modern world, Theo, after wandering from country to country, kingdom to kingdom, he grew isolated from the world and losing touch with the current events and culture, He's not well-versed in current trends and has trouble relating to others because of it.

Likes & Dislikes


Theo has a deep appreciation for the beauty and simplicity of nature. He finds solace in the lush gardens and serene landscapes that he comes across during his travels. He also has a fondness for music and the arts, often spending hours practicing on his flute and composing new pieces. He is particularly drawn to traditional Chinese music and instruments.   In terms of food, Theo is not very picky and can eat almost anything. He is also a big fan of tea, and is particularly fond of traditional Chinese tea ceremonies. He likes spicy food and is a big fan of Sichuan food.   Theo also has a strong sense of loyalty and devotion to those he cares about, though it's rare to see him get attached or be friendly with anyone at all. He is fiercely protective of his friends and family... if he has one at the current moment. He will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being. He is also deeply committed to his own personal growth and development, and is always striving to improve himself.


On the other hand, Theo has a strong dislike for injustice and oppression. He is deeply affected by the suffering of others, and often feels a strong sense of empathy towards those who are marginalized or oppressed. He is also deeply troubled by the negative effects of dark magic and the misuse of power.   Theo also dislikes the feeling of being confined or restricted. He values his freedom and independence, and has a strong desire to explore and discover new places and cultures. He is always eager to learn and grow, and is always on the lookout for new experiences and opportunities.

Virtues & Personality perks

Theo's virtues include his strong sense of self-preservation and his willingness to do whatever it takes to survive. He is also highly intelligent and resourceful, able to adapt to new situations and make the best of them. However, his tendency to push others away and his cynicism about the world can make it difficult for him to form lasting connections with others.   One of his perks is his proficiency in multiple languages, which allows him to blend in and move about unnoticed in different cultures and countries. He is also highly skilled in the use of dark magic, although this is not necessarily a positive trait.

Vices & Personality flaws

Theo has a number of flaws that have developed as a result of his traumatic past and his journey towards mastering dark magic. One of his most prominent flaws is his lack of trust in others. After being abandoned by his mentor and banished from his home, Theo has a hard time opening up to others and forming meaningful connections. He is often guarded and secretive, which can make it difficult for others to get to know him.   Another one of Theo's flaws is his tendency towards cynicism and pessimism. He has seen the worst in humanity, and as a result, he often views the world through a negative lens. He is quick to distrust others and often assumes the worst in people. This can make it difficult for him to form positive relationships and can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.   Theo also struggles with self-doubt and low self-esteem. He often doubts his own abilities and feels unworthy of love and acceptance. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and can make it difficult for him to fully embrace his own power and potential.   Finally, Theo's reliance on dark magic can also be seen as a flaw. He has become increasingly dependent on dark magic to cope with his trauma and to survive in the world. However, the use of dark magic can have negative consequences on both his physical and mental well-being, and it can also create ethical dilemmas for him. It's a constant battle for Theo to balance his desire for power and control with his sense of morality and responsibility.

Personality Quirks

Theo has a few noticeable ticks that reveal a lot about his state of mind and personality. One of his most prominent ticks is his tendency to constantly fiddle with his flute, even when he's not playing it. This can be seen as a sign of his nervousness and anxiety, as well as a way for him to keep his hands occupied.   Another thing for Theo is his tendency to avoid direct eye contact with others. This can be interpreted as a sign of his discomfort and insecurity in social situations, as well as his general reluctance to let others get too close to him emotionally.   Theo also has a habit of biting his lip, when he is deep in thought or in a difficult situation. This can be seen as a sign of his inner turmoil and the weight of the decisions he has to make.   Theo has a habit of speaking in a low, monotone voice, which can be seen as a sign of his apathy and detachment from the world around him. He may be trying to keep his emotions in check by not showing it in his voice. This can also be a sign of his constant inner struggle and how he's trying to keep himself together.


Family Ties

Theo's family ties are almost non-existent. He grew up as an orphan, never knowing his parents or any relatives. He was taken in by a kind old man who taught him the ways of magic and the flute, but even that relationship was not a familial one. As a wanderer, Theo has never stayed in one place long enough to form any meaningful connections or relationships. He has never married or had children, and has no siblings or extended family. This lack of family ties has contributed to his feelings of loneliness and isolation, and has likely played a role in his struggle to form close relationships with others. He may have a tendency to push people away, as he is not used to being close to anyone. His past experiences with family and relationships may have left him with trust issues, making it difficult for him to let people in emotionally.

Religious Views

Theo's spiritual and religious views are deeply rooted in his own experiences and beliefs. He does not believe in gods or higher powers, as he feels that if they truly existed, they would have intervened and saved him from the hardships he has faced throughout his life. This lack of belief in a higher power has led him to become a lone wolf, relying only on himself and his own abilities to survive and navigate the world.   He also has a strong sense of fate, believing that everything happens for a reason and that his experiences, both good and bad, have led him to where he is today. He does not put much stock in traditional religious practices or rituals, instead choosing to focus on self-reliance and personal strength.   Theo's experiences have also instilled in him a deep sense of cynicism and pessimism. He sees the world as a dark and cruel place, and has a hard time trusting others or forming close relationships. He often keeps to himself, preferring the company of his own thoughts and the solace of the graveyard where he sleeps.   His belief in fate also leads him to not care about the past, present and future, he just accepts things as they are and moves on with his life, not letting any regrets or what-ifs weigh him down. This mindset might make it hard for him to make long-term plans or set goals for himself, but it also allows him to live in the moment and not get bogged down by regrets or worries about the future.

Social Aptitude

Theo's social aptitude is a complex and nuanced aspect of his character. On one hand, he is a wanderer and has spent much of his life alone, which has led to a certain level of social awkwardness and difficulty connecting with others. On the other hand, his experiences and knowledge of different cultures and societies have given him a unique perspective and the ability to navigate and understand different social dynamics.


Theo's mannerisms are marked by a sense of detachment and aloofness. He carries himself with a sense of resignation and weariness, as though he has seen and experienced too much to be easily impressed or excited by the world around him. He speaks in a measured, deliberate tone and avoids making direct eye contact with others, preferring to keep his gaze trained on the ground or the horizon.   In social situations, Theo tends to keep to himself and avoids engaging in small talk or idle chatter. He is not unfriendly, per se, but he is not naturally inclined to seek out or initiate social interactions. He is more likely to listen than to speak, and when he does speak, he chooses his words carefully and speaks only when he feels he has something of value to say.   Despite his detached demeanor, Theo is not completely devoid of emotion. He is capable of feeling deeply, and his emotions run the gamut from sadness and despair to anger and resentment. However, he is careful to keep these emotions in check and rarely allows them to show on his face or in his voice.

Hobbies & Pets

Theo's hobbies are reflective of his solitary and introspective nature. He has a keen interest in reading and studying various subjects, particularly history and philosophy. He is also a skilled musician, often playing his flute as a form of self-expression and emotional release. In his travels, he has developed a fascination with different cultures and customs, often immersing himself in the local traditions and customs. He also finds solace in nature and spends a lot of time in the wilderness, where he can escape the chaos of the world and find peace. He also likes to collect rare books, artifacts and other items that catches his fancy. In his free time, he often spends his time studying the occult and magic, this is his form of escapism. He is also a solitary figure, he does not like to be in crowded places and he tries to avoid it as much as possible, his preference is to be alone and in silence.

Wealth & Financial state

As a wanderer, Theo does not have a steady source of income or wealth. He survives by performing small tasks and odd jobs for people in the towns and villages he passes through. He is also skilled in hunting and foraging for food, so he is able to sustain himself without relying on money. However, this also means that he does not have the luxury of accumulating wealth or owning many possessions. He travels light, carrying only the essentials with him and selling or trading any unnecessary items for food or shelter. His clothes and equipment are worn and well-used, a reflection of his nomadic lifestyle. Despite this, Theo has a keen sense of value and is able to make the most out of what little he has. He is resourceful and able to improvise when necessary, making do with whatever is available to him. Theo's wealth as a wanderer is minimal and uncertain, but he is able to survive and make the most out of his circumstances.

This is a Stub

History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

This entry is a Stub and will be expanded on in the future.

Rift Born Entry

Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

This entry is for a Rift Born, an entity who has arrived here via the Genesis Chamber. Their story has only just begun, so expect this entry to be updated quite often as their story unfolds within the vast expanse.

WIP Character Entry

Your story has only just begun.

This is an entry about an individual who's story is only just begun and will be expanded upon regularly. Be sure to check back often as there might be new things to learn about this particular individual.

Theo Lumiere is a powerful dark mage, known for his mastery of forbidden magic and manipulation of death energy. Despite his fearsome reputation, it is said that he does not seek to harm others and only uses his powers in self-defense.

View Character Profile
Human/Rift Born
Codex Personnel ID
Known Aliases
Phantasmeus Deus
Power Classifcation
Beta Extremis
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
-Phantasmeus Deus -Blackflute -灵魂族长 - Soul Patriarch
Date of Birth
Cliffmere Kingdom — 悬崖王国
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Peach
135 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"What's the point of living, if all we do is suffer?"
"Life is just a never-ending cycle of pain and disappointment."
"The world is a cruel, uncaring place, and I am but a mere pawn in its game."
"Hope is for the foolish, reality is for the wise."
"I've learned that the only thing constant in this world is change, and it's almost always for the worse."
"I've come to realize that there is no such thing as true happiness, only fleeting moments of pleasure."
Known Languages
Theo is fluent in several languages, including English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. He acquired these languages through his travels as a wanderer. He is able to communicate effectively in all of them, and can also read and write in them.   He picked up English while travelling to western countries, and learning it has allowed him to better understand the cultures of those countries and communicate with the people he met there. He learned Korean and Japanese while travelling through East Asia, and it helped him to better understand the cultures of those regions and to connect with the people he met there. He learned Chinese while growing up, it was one of the first languages he ever learned and it helped him to better understand the culture of his home country.   Theo is able to use his language skills to his advantage in various situations, such as being able to understand and communicate with different people in different regions, and being able to read and understand local literature. He is also able to use it to better understand the cultures of different regions and to better understand the people he meets. His linguistic skills also reflect his intelligence, as it takes a lot of effort and dedication to learn multiple languages fluently. It also shows that he is adaptable and able to learn new things, which is a good trait for someone who is always on the move.


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