Akuno Shiranaihito

Written by GrapesAreYum

Akuno Shiranaihito

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In terms of total overall physique, Akuno is an ectomorph leaning on the skinnier side of things whose skin is lightly tan in complextion. He has shown to have not only great physical prowess however, but also great combative prowess. Though, it is to be noted that his priorities on the field need some fine tuning.

Body Features

While Akuno doesn't appear to have any inhuman bodily features such as antenna or a tail for example, he does share the same body structure as any other human, albeit he is more in-shape due to what one can assume is the fruits of numerous amounts of workout/training sessions; and is likely what gives him his ectomorph-like physique. As for his other bodily features which hadn't been described already, he has red hair and painted black nails, Akuno's brows being of the same scheme just a darker shade.

Facial Features

Akuno has a long neck paired with a round yet almost broad chin, the ears on either side of his face being large and unattached but keeping their prominent lobes. His brows are firm and sharp, as if each edge had been carefully shaved to a point, red though a much darker red than his light-shaded hair; more of a maroon to say the least. The back of his hair is pinned by a clip in the strands, and if removed would cause the rest of its length to flow downwards. Last but not least his eyes, as well as his nose, his eyes bordering the line of grey and black, but Akuno hasn't any trouble with eyesight in the least; and his nose, much like his brows is long yet sharp, sharing that same edged design.

Identifying Characteristics

Akuno has a few but not very many identifying features, such as his red hair as well as his metal armband, seemingly attached to the rest of his torso's apparel. If his physical quirks were anything identifiable, then it is presumed that they'd pertain to here as well.

Physical quirks

Akuno does not appear to have any, if not many physical quirks, only an innate curiosity and habit to experiment, more of the former such as this curiosity becoming explained later on in mentality.

Special abilities

NEW! Latest BSS

Thanks to the latest updates to our BSS system, we can now provide a live feed of the latest BSS for Akuno in the form of this block:

Bio SoulScan Results:

Personal Data
Name Akuno Shiranaihito
Alias N/A
Species Human
Biological age 20
Chronological Age 20
Appearance Description
Entity Type
Life Aspect by The MetaverseRPN Team
Entity Subtype A
Entity Subtype B
Entity Subtype C
STR 1075
PER 1075
END 1075
CHA 1075
INT 1075
AGI 1075
LUC 1075
SPIR 1075
Ascension Level 4.7481928495894605
Statcap 1280
MP 30780/31175
HP 63425
Max MP 31175
Max HP 63425
Power Classification Eta Particular
Ascension Keys 0
Is soulless?
Offensive Will 12900
Defensive Will 12900
WQ 27950
Melee Dmg(By hand) 1075
Accuracy 12900
Evasion 12900
IQ 23650
Max Speed 4300
Visual Acuity 215
███████████ ████

Known Abilities

Akuno has a plethora of known abilities, most of which he appear to have carried over from the other side of the now Defunct Nexus Gateway. A list of said abilities can be found here:
Aspect Type
Lightning Style: Thunderbird
Ability Type
Single-Target Offensive Ability
Using Their Spiritual Energy, the user manifests a Bird out of elemental Air, immediately attacking a target of their choice with Lightning.
Ability Cost
20 MP
Ability Damage, if any
40 HP
Aspect Type
Water Style: Needlefish
Ability Type
Single-Target Offensive Ability
Using their Spiritual Energy, the user manifests a Pufferfish out of Elemental Water to attack a single target.
Ability Cost
20 MP
Ability Damage, if any
40 HP
Aspect Type
Life Aspect by The MetaverseRPN Team
Wood Release Secret Technique-Nativity of a World of Trees
Ability Type
Manifestation Ability
Using spiritual energy the user can cause trees to grow on any surface, whether plants would normally grow there or not. This can be used either defensively or offensively, depending entirely on the user's choice
Ability Cost
30 MP
Ability Damage, if any
60 HP
Aspect Type
Life Aspect by The MetaverseRPN Team
Wood Release-Wood Dragon Technique
Ability Type
Manifestation Ability
Similar to Wood Release Secret Technique-Nativity of a World of Trees. Using Spiritual Energy, the user can manifest a large Wooden Dragon capable of restraining or attacking a target. The Dragon's specific appearance can vary depending on the user's preference.
Ability Cost
30 MP
Ability Damage, if any
60 HP
Aspect Type
Life Aspect by The MetaverseRPN Team
Wood Release-Advent of a World of Flowering Trees
Ability Type
Manifestation Ability
Related to Wood Release. Taking advantage of the innate nature of Nativity of a World of Trees, the user can force trees to grow all around a target, restraining them with their branches. This ensures they are trapped unless they can react quickly enough to avoid this.
Ability Cost
30 MP
Ability Damage, if any
60 HP
Aspect Type
Reality Aspect by The MetaverseRPN Team
Kamui V2
Ability Type
Single-Target Teleportation
Designed to transport both the user and their target into a separate dimension where neither party can attack the other due to the incorporeal nature of the dimension in question
Ability Cost
5000 MP
Ability Damage, if any
0 HP
Aspect Type
Life Aspect by The MetaverseRPN Team
Animal Path
Ability Type
Manifestation Ability
Using Spiritual Energy, the user can manifest a variety of different Animals to help aid them in battle. These manifestations do not appear to be tangible in nature and cannot be harmed, with the only noticeable way to get them to vanish being to either incapacitate/kill the user themselves, or cause them to use up the rest of their Spiritual Energy.
Ability Cost
20 MP
Ability Damage, if any
40 HP
Aspect Type
Chibaku Tensei
Ability Type
Single-Target Offensive Ability
Using spiritual energy, the user can compress gravity in a specific area to such an extent that it creates a quasi-black hole. Typically used to do damage to a target, the level of damage is proportional to the amount of Spiritual Energy used to make it.
Ability Cost
50 MP
Ability Damage, if any
100 HP
Aspect Type
Asura Path
Ability Type
Using Spiritual Energy, the user can augment his physical form with a sort of mechanized armor, granting them a level of defense against attacks.
Ability Cost
20 MP
Ability Damage, if any
40 HP
Aspect Type
Deva Path
Ability Type
Single-Target Offensive Ability
Similar to Chibaku Tensei in nature. Using spiritual energy, the user can perform low-level gravity manipulation, pushing and pulling their opponent in many directions to damage them.
Ability Cost
30 MP
Ability Damage, if any
60 HP

Apparel & Accessories

Starting from the face, Akuno wears a set of earrings on either ear with a singular hairpin in his hair. Moving downwards to the torso and arms, he dawns a set of guards, one for each arm as well as a jacket covering a thinly knitted vest. Finally we have the lowest regions such as the waist and legs, those being the simplest as over the waist down are some black leggings; and in the furthest down region, that being the feet is a pair of brown sandals. These sandals are unlike many others as they cover far past the ankle and are more similar to shoes except without the outsole or vamp. This leaves the toes exposed and Akuno does not appear to wear socks of any kind beneath the sandals, an understandable choice.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Akuno used to be an entirely different person before he came here, who didn't care about much aside from himself. He was selfish, hateful, and worst of all he had allegedly committed crimes against not only his hometown, but other people he had met after the fact as well. Akuno would do anything to survive, even going as far as to stealing a forbidden technique long after he had left his village, extending his life every time he had used it and becoming a new person every single time as well. As it turns out, the body that he came here with wasn't even his to start with, but obtaining new bodies would help him hide himself, especially from the watchful eyes he'd thought were after him. Eventually he had met a man who had allegedly come here in search of more power to either attain his goals or crush Akuno entirely, the only name Akuno knowing of this man by being Tsukuyomi. Originally the two shared similar goals with one another, though while those goals were unclear and not shared, there seemed to be a...slight disagreement between the two at some point or another. That is when this man allegedly fled into the Nexus, and apparently ended up in this reality, though likely at a different planet or star system; as he was never spotted within the Institue. Although, with this next bit being a small detour, Akuno did infact die at some point before entering the Nexus, but with the help of said friend had somebody bring him back to life, his friend now forever indebted to him. With the description of this man happening to wear a red hoodie, it can be assumed that the one who helped Sans and Akuno was Wyatt.

Gender Identity

Akuno indentifies himself as male with no other specifications.


Akuno considers himself to be a straight individual.


Currently Akuno is one of the many Freshman who live and learn within the Institue and while currently known for his mischief, it seems like he might actually begin to turn a new leaf for the better.


Akuno has no current employment plans, nor is he employed at all for that matter; or at all used to be employed in the past.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Akuno...doesn't have very many big moments as of yet, his time to shine so-to-speak might come very later on, but not in the current present. For now he remains someone who has...perhaps not the biggest amount of mistakes, but someone who has made or consequently almost made quite a few as he had a habit of doing.

Failures & Embarrassments

Oh boy...where do I even begin? Akuno has subsequently embarrassed himself by trying to prank the Institute on several occassions, typically requiring the help of others but all ending in failures. The only successful plan wasn't even one that he orchestrated, and was more of something he had an indirect influence on, that being another one of the student's heres birthday party; in which they would run around and spray cake at one another for a party game. It ended up making a big mess everywhere of which was quickly cleaned up, and the game was thankfully ended at that time.   Next up on the list we have the time that he almost got everyone blown up, not just them but entire star-systems could have collapsed if it weren't for everyone else putting a stop to his antics. Which while not intentional had dire consequences, and could have been easily avoided had he either followed basic instructions or better understood his place in the task at hand. Presumably there are more mistakes he had made in the past in the place he hails from, but refused to state.

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

A curious experimenter, one that may foster great ideas if directed in the right path, of which the Institue can greatly help with should he ever return. Akuno takes great interest in the secrets of life, its lessons, and a keen eye towards mechanics, because in his own words: "Where I come from, life's many secrets have yet to be discovered, but here it seems everyone's more knowledgeable than that, I'd like to perhaps one day, maybe see what hidden secrets this world has to offer. But right now...I have other things to attend to."

Morality & Philosophy

Previously, Akuno didn't think much on life and death, but when he came here he seemed to slowly have a change in perspective. His outlook on life made it out to be more precious than that, and that we should cherish every waking moment of it. Life is not something you can waste or take away, life is to be studied, captured in full so that one day when life no longer exists, we can look back on it. That way, a world without life can have something back to look on, and cherish, to remember the good ol' days when life persisted. Additonally, he also disregards the notion of eternal life, as in his words eternal life is a silly goal, and more of a nightmare than a dream. In his words, what good is eternal life when only you are left, when you have to watch those you care about turn to dust because they are mortal, because they don't have eternity to live?


Some particular things that tick Akuno off are as follows: the basic humans ticks such as eating with your mouth open or chewing to a degree which is allowed, those who do not use basic manners and are practically slobs in nature, people who make louds noises whether that be on purpose or not such as but not limited to pens clicking and the tapping of nails on a desk. Some other pet peeves include but aren't limited to: seeing people do gross things such as biting their nails or picking their noses which is inherently gross to him, and also shaking hands with said people who did gross things.

Personality Characteristics



Savvies & Ineptitudes

Akuno savvies in combat when talking things out doesn't work, but where his ineptitudes lay is what he lacks knowledge in. This world is still very much new to him, so it will take time to learn its entirety such as its many worlds, historical events, figures who have shaped its past and strive to better its future; though that isn't to say he's entirely stupid. He's made dumb decisions sure, but in his strife for change he has gained valuable knowledge and lessons learned. Perhaps it will take time, but maybe, just maybe he will have not as many ineptitudes, even if it's more than understanding he lacks.

Likes & Dislikes

Akuno enjoys the following: The Institute's Vending Machine, Chips, Apples, Cauliflower, Experimenting, and one other things he refused to share. His dislikes include: The Plethera of Pet Peeves/Taboos he has, and that is about it as the only other thing he dislikes is those who make themselves his Enemies, whatever that could mean. But he explains in his own words that compromise is better than being adversaries, as conflict only starts more conflict, which only leads to the products known as death; as well as the chaos of war.

Virtues & Personality perks

Akuno is definitely in the range of, or at least has the potential to garnering many virtuous traits, whether that be kindness, selflessness, the list goes on and on. He really does seem like for once, he wants to take accountability for his past actions, and move forward as a person in order to become a better version of himself. The truth is, we will have to see in the future if these things, combined with his goals ever come to light, and if he really means to improve, or will at all for that matter.

Vices & Personality flaws

A definite flaw of his is that he makes many mistakes, or at least has so in the past due to plenty of reasons. He just needs time to grow and discover as a person in order to relinquish himself of this flaw. Despite this however, he doesn't appear to have any vices, and the only other flaw might be that he just lacks knowledge and is too busy to attend classes in order to get said knowledge. But if one were to bet, maybe he could adapt and learn without them in his own way.

Personality Quirks



Akuno possesses an average level of hygiene.


Contacts & Relations

Akuno has met a variety of individuals when he got here, but only a handful have really met this category, his only friend(s) being: GravitySwap Sans who if not away from Akuno is typically seen by his side, as well as Vantwaki alongside Korkat; which perhaps he can use those two contacts for help in the future should he need that. Next are people who he knows but has very little contact or relations with, but has either had help in the past by them or have just met them and might consider meeting back up with them again; this includes though isn't limited to: Sylver and Enlightenment who are more-so acquaintances to him, currently helping him on a mission to find most of the Codexes. Last but not least we have K who Akuno tried to acquire robotic parts from, Libi as an acquaintance, and one of his professors, that being Doctor Henry.

Family Ties


Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Akuno has been able to make small friends in the past, surprisingly for a long if not permanent amount of time, and could likely make more seeing as not very many would mind and depending on the party; however, he doesn't seem to approach anyone directly for friendship, with what reason he doesn't quite understand himself. Predictably, perhaps he's just shy, or has not thought of it as a full idea yet, as Akuno still needs time to spread his wings and fly.


Depending on the task Akuno will do things that way, if he's free to do whatever he wants then he shall do so in his own way. But if there's a specific task that needs to be done he will try to get that done how said individual wants it done, though that doesn't mean he would be prone to mistakes. Perhaps he will make less of these in the future when it comes to certain tasks, but that's for the future and present to decide.

Hobbies & Pets

Akuno doesn't have any pets per say, he's thought about getting one but never had the chance nor time to make that a possibility. It's not like as of currently he could anyways, he doesn't seem to know any stores that sell them or has access to any stores that do right now; and even if he were to try and tame an animal from the wild, he'd likely either fail miserably, die trying, or if by some miracle luck was on his side, maybe then he could tame it. But likely not, and as for hobbies...none as of right now, despite his insistance on experimenting on the vending machine counting as one.


Akuno sometimes has spoken with more...elegant or "smarter" terminology, though he has often expressed standard wording over them. So overall he might sometimes use "normal" wording, but other times he might use words which an average person might typically not in a sentence unless under a particular circumstance. In terms of if his speech is mature or not, well...can't say he doesn't use foul language, but he at least has some form of manners stuck in that head of his, as well as an aptitude for learning and growing. In conclusion, probably stuck in the middle between mature and immature, not too immature to the point where he's a total , but just enough maturity to be able to handle him in a conversation.


Libitina Salvino


Towards Akuno Shiranaihito


Akuno Shiranaihito


Towards Libitina Salvino


Relationship Reasoning

During one of Akuno's trips to the grand library, he asked to see the horror section and just so happened to pick the worst book on the shelf they could. This spurred Libitina to ban entrance to the Fiction Section, with her going to collect books for new readers instead, as she didn't want anyone else to stumble upon the Portrait.

Wealth & Financial state

500,150.00 Genesis Coins

This is a Stub

History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

This entry is a Stub and will be expanded on in the future.

Rift Born Entry

Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

This entry is for a Rift Born, an entity who has arrived here via the Genesis Chamber. Their story has only just begun, so expect this entry to be updated quite often as their story unfolds within the vast expanse.

WIP Character Entry

Your story has only just begun.

This is an entry about an individual who's story is only just begun and will be expanded upon regularly. Be sure to check back often as there might be new things to learn about this particular individual.

Life Aspect by The MetaverseRPN Team
Power Class
Eta Particular
Codex Personnel ID
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Dorm Room (The Institue)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
The only language Akuno appears to know right now is English.


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