Juniper Riverbrim

Juniper Riverbrim

Mental characteristics

Personal history

-June was born into a family wherein she never had to worry about money. They were bathing in their own currency as from the house they lived in to the food that goes into their stomachs exuded the high class lifestyle. Everything they owned could be sold and the money could be used to feed families and maybe even villages. She lived a luxurious and care free life as a child. Her parents spoiled her a lot, never really saying no to her when she wanted something since they were fully capable of buying this for their sweet little daughter.-   -While her parents raised her by giving her what she wanted, those who taught her morals, values, and how to treat others were the maids and butlers that worked with the family. They would be the ones who made sure that she didn’t grow up a spoiled brat. Though at first it was difficult since she was so used to getting what she wanted, with the help of these kind-hearted people, June learned more and more about how she should be acting, especially with the amount of wealth she possessed. June lessened her requests from her parents to the point that she would only ask for what she needed. There were only occasions where she would ask for more, but those were rare.-   -June was still spoiled by her parents, buying her things she could use but didn’t really ask for. She was grateful for it and even told her parents that she didn’t need them, but that didn’t stop them. This behavior had been misinterpreted by many. Her own folks, her parent’s faction members, and her parent’s friends all think that she was a spoiled brat who constantly demanded things from her parents. This became a problem for her parents when they were at a party with a few friends and faction members. The topic went to June and they expressed how incompetent they were to spoil a child so much that her own parents would become her slaves for money.-   -Her parents tried their best to explain that this wasn’t the case and that June had not been a demanding child at all. The problem there was that no one was buying their explanation and assumed that they were just covering up for their daughter in which they became even more disgusted with them. June was at the party as well and was hearing all of this. In a fit of anger at how they were talking about her parents and her like that, her powers manifested as the fountain close to the table where her parents along with a few of their faction members and friends were sitting started to act differently. A small wave of water washed over them, except her parents, as she stomped her way towards them demanding that they apologize for the absolute atrocities these people spewed in front of her parents.-   -She was escorted out of the premises as her parents walked out with her as well, not wanting to stay in the party. June asked her parents how they could be friends with such terrible and judgmental people. Her parents responded by saying that they were unaware of how much their actions towards her would appear to others. They were merely trying to provide for her daughter and make sure that she knows that her parents would always be there for her. Yet, the message was misinterpreted into something more twisted and malicious than what was intended.-   -Wanting to prove herself not only to her parents, but to those who thought of her and them that way, she asked her parents that she wanted to enroll in the academy where she could train the powers she had displayed. This would be the last time they would support her financially. She was to survive in the academy on her own. Her parents protested and told her that they wanted to help her out, but she told them that if they did, then the message she was going to send would fail. She wanted to prove to everyone that she wasn’t spoiled, that she was capable of surviving on her own. The reason why she chose the academy is because she knew that getting stronger would allow her to join factions. Joining factions would, in turn, allow her to boost her own name and reputation. Once she does that, she would be able to look those people in the eye and say that all her achievements were because of her.-

Gender Identity

She identifies herself as a woman


Juniper is a heterosexual.


Currently employed under Edison Securities

This is a Stub

History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

This entry is a Stub and will be expanded on in the future.

Rift Born Entry

Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

This entry is for a Rift Born, an entity who has arrived here via the Genesis Chamber. Their story has only just begun, so expect this entry to be updated quite often as their story unfolds within the vast expanse.

WIP Character Entry

Your story has only just begun.

This is an entry about an individual who's story is only just begun and will be expanded upon regularly. Be sure to check back often as there might be new things to learn about this particular individual.

Juniper is a Water Manipulator who had been brought to the Nexus as her own had been destroyed.

View Character Profile
Codex Personnel ID
Known Aliases
Power Classifcation
Epsilon Extremis
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
October 5
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'5 ft
150 lbs
Known Languages
English (Common)


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