MandoMc Progress Report

Session 33 Report

240 words

Gralie Applewood

In the dim chamber, Gralie whispered to Jarned, her heart heavy with secrets and a looming threat. Courage and faith her guiding lights.

1354 words

Bryn Murden

In Hollowbury's shadowed corners, whispers tell of Bryn Murden, a human enigma blending magic and machine. His latest creation, the Golden Gear, vanished, stirring rumors of curses and covert pacts. Yet, Bryn's true tale remains shrouded in mystery.

562 words

MandoMc Progress so far

2156 words 21.56% completed!

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Community Participation Badges


vssCollab Challenge Badges

vssCollab challenges writers to create vss (very short story snippets) each day and combine them into a longer story. Participants who write every day of the challenge month earn a badge.


Favorite Movies

  • The Princess Bride
  • Madea (all of them)
  • Indiana Jones
  • Romancing the Stone

Favorite TV Series

  • 911
  • New Anstradam
  • Chicago (all)
  • The Witcher
  • The Originals
  • Legacies
  • Lucifer
  • Star Trek
  • Charmed
  • Reign
  • Favorite Books

  • The Last Wizard
  • The Thirteenth Tale
  • Favorite Writers

  • Debora Geary
  • Janet Evanovich
  • Favorite Games

  • Kingdoms of Avalor Re-Reckoning
  • Minecraft
  • Sims (all of them)
  • Latest Loved work

    Planning For WorldEmber 2023

    Queen Eryka

    Pungeon Sickness

    Kazcallen Revitalization Project

    Baku and the Bad Shatter

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    Finish 2023 with an achievement — Start 2024 with a bang
    We challenge you to write 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content this December. Check out the prizes and rules below!
    All you need is a free World Anvil account, grab your hammer, and GO WORLDBUILD!