Genesis Bloom

Because of the infinite nature of the metaverse, there is a ton of unique and fascinating Flora that exists. Take, for instance, the Queen of the night flower, A Rare flower that only blooms once every year at the twilight of Purpleback, its glow appearing like a diamond shining at the peak of the mountain. While there are plenty of examples of unique flora within the metaverse, there is one in particular that all other flowers pale in comparison to its splendor. Interested to know what it is? Allow me to tell you about the Genesis Bloom.

Genesis Bloom

The Genesis Bloom is one of the most unique flowers in the metaverse, with insanely unique properties. It's also said the appearance of a blooming Genesis Bloom signifies the start of a chain of events long in the making.


The Genesis bloom's natural state is in a blue bud that glows with an incomprehensible aura. The genesis bloom would stay in this state for a few moments after being created before beginning to wilt into nonexistence. It is said that if the Flower were to bloom successfully, it would glow with one of the strongest auras in existence, radiating Imaginarium. it is said even those with the coldest of hearts could begin to thaw within the presence of this Flower.
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Though no one has been able to hand one to Weiss to see if that's true.

Known attributes

The Genesis Bloom radiates with Imaginarium, which means it potentially could have infinite use cases, assuming the bloom resides in the realm of infinite instead of the realm of finite. Sadly, even with the vast resources the Collective has, they have yet to be able to find a use case for the bloom itself, despite various experiments around it. There may be more to why this is the case, though. Theoretical applications for this Flower include but are not limited to:
  • A nigh inexhaustible power source
  • A power amplifier
  • A spell power amplifier
  • Eden Project?????
  • Known History

    Not much is known about where the Flower came from. Some sources say it was born from the ashes of █████ █████, and other sources claim it was born from the fall of ███ ███████. You will get conflicting answers on where the Flower came from, even within the Collective. Dr. Allen Lee will claim the first Flower bloomed after the Tree first appeared in The Epicenter. Management will claim they created the Flower while experimenting with imbuing flora with Imaginarium. Despite the conflicting stories here, the Chairman of the Collective, Damien, seems to be the most knowledgeable about this enigmatic Flower and its supposed origins:
    The Flower from the Garden, one of the remnants of the origin point of everything and everyone. The Flower was said to have been lost when the Garden collapsed, but there is an ancient legend passed on from the Proctor to the modern generation. When 12 of the flowers from the garden bloom once more, the Garden, the origin of everything, the core of the worlds, will be restored to its formal glory.
    — Damien, Chairman of the Collective
        I am afraid this is all we know on this enigmatic flora, though I suspect there is far more to the story here than we are aware of at this time. We will keep doing some more research on this. If we find anything, we will be sure to update this entry and let you know.

    This is a Stub

    History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

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    Rift Born Entry

    Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

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    WIP Character Entry

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