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[E] Maria Aderon

Life Aspect by The MetaverseRPN Team
Power Class
Zeta Tertius

Created by the enigmatic Creator [J], Maria Aderon is an enigma cultivated from experiences far and wide across the omniverse, gathering both memories and power that even she doesn't know the true implications of...

Played by
Mars Aderon

The phantom living forever in the back of your mind.

The Twelfth Day of the Year Two-Thousand and Sixty-Four of the Existence of the Omniverse

The Archives of the Seraphim Iris: Codex Creationis [Book of Intinium] [1]

by [E] Maria Aderon

If you are reading these Archives, that means that you have been especially chosen either by myself or to those in which I have placed my utmost trust to carry on my legacy in the event of either my passing or my spiriting away across the infinitesimal planes of the Omniverse. To thou whom this tome hath been entrusted, you shall learn of the truths behind the veil that the Elfanians, Seraphim, and Artifex have kept away from thine eyes, so that you may be prepared for the trials that face you. The Old Records upon which the History of the Raxai System has been recorded are naught but a lie. A caricature crafted by the devils who perverted the kingdom of Elariam and cast her true King and Queen in a stony prison. Other than the Esper, whose numbers seldom appear within Treon's forests now, let this also serve as an renewed written archive to the true Past of this realm, from the perspective naught of Man, but the perspective of those who hath watched over thee for so long. Let this retelling of naught the Old Records, but of the Codex Creationis be one naught biased by corruption or blight, in order to make way for the Truth of the Omniverse.
In the beginning, on the first Day of the year Two-Thousand and Fourteen of the Existence of the Omniverse, the Artifex carved a space into the infinite Cosmos with a Blade of colored ink and iron, from which Space, a World emerged. Bright, young, and beautiful was she. Her Lands untainted, ripe, and filled to the brim with the Gift of Life They hath given it...though such Life lacked the complexity They so desired. Naught but simple plants and animals, but such was good enough for Them. They decreed this World Treon, and the Omniverse listened.
On the second Day, They carved with Their Blade a division which separated the Space of Treon from the Space in which They lived and presided over it. They decreed this Space the Heavens, and Treon's Space the Earth, and the Omniverse listened.
On the third Day, They carved with their blade into the Gift of Life the caricature of Man, who They decreed to be Created from Their image. The Omniverse listened, and from the Earth, emerged Their new Creation, which bore Their image. They then carved their blade into this Creation, splitting it in twain, yet the Creation didn't feel pain. The first half, who would remain in Their image, They decreed as Adrian, of the domain of Men, and the second, who would be based upon Adrian's image, with aspects which completed his own, would be named Lux, of the domain of Women, for She hath been born from the image of Men, and together, they would walk the Earth for eternity as the Children of the Artifex, and the Omniverse listened.
On the fourth Day, The Artifex would create five angels, whom They would decree as the Seraphim, to guide the domains of Men and Women, and to protect them from the dangers of the greater Omniverse. They carved these angels from the images of Men and Women, so that those who resides upon the Earth may comprehend them, and blessed them with the Gift of Wisdom, for to be guides, they needeth know all things. The first, he decreed as Micaela, the second, as Iris, the third, as Orion, the fourth, as Eridanus, and the fifth, as Ayumu. Micaela, Iris, and Ayumu were to be created in the image of Women, and Orion and Eridanus were to be created in the image of Men. Micaela was to preside over the other Seraphim, ensuring that they stayed upon the path which They had set out for them, and to lead them and the forces of Man to battle with the Evils of the Omniverse, should they arise, and the Omniverse listened.
On the fifth Day of the year Two-Thousand and Forty-Five of the Existence of the Omniverse, the Artifex decreed that their Seraphim would make their presence known to the Domains of Men and Women, and bestow upon them Gifts which hath been derived from their own Gift of Wisdom.
The first would call to them from the Heavens:
"Here ye! Mine name is Micaela, the First of the Seraphim. I bestow upon thee the Gift of Unity, for through Unity, ye shall find Strength, and through Strength, ye shall be able to overcome the Evils of the Omniverse."
The second would call to them:
"Here ye! Mine name is Iris, the Second of the Seraphim. I bestow upon thee the Gift of Curiosity, for through Curiosity, thou shalt be able to reap the bounties of the Domains of Knowledge and Wisdom. I also bestow upon thee the Gift of Love, for through Love, thine Unity shalt be bolstered, and thy Emotions shall be unleashed."
The third would call to them:
"Here ye! Mine name is Orion, the Third of the Seraphim. I bestow upon thee the Gift of Harmony, so that within thine Unity, thou shalt be able to coordinate to form Colonies and Civilizations in Their image, so that thou shalt be able to survive and spread Their word amongst you."
The fourth would call to them:
"Here ye! Mine name is Eridanus, the Fourth of the Seraphim. I bestow upon thee the Gift of Knowledge, for through Knowledge, thou shalt be able to build the foundations upon which to develop your Colonies and Civilizations, and gain an Understanding of both the Earth upon which thou resides, and your selves."
The last would call to them:
"Hear my call! Mine name is Ayumu, the Fifth of the Seraphim. I bestow upon you the Gift of Purpose, for you shall always be driven upon the Path which the Artifex hath ordained, and you shall serve Them as Their Children, upon which you shall utilize your Gifts in order to honor Them, and as you honor Them, you shall Unite to search for Understanding and Knowledge, to combine into Wisdom so that you shall be able to one day join Them amongst the Heavens, within a Paradise for which They have quartered for Their most devout."
With their calls within the minds of Man, the Seraphim would preside over them from their perch in the Heavens, known to Man as their Curators, and peace would be known throughout the Lands which They created for the next Five Thousand Days, during which Man grew, erecting first villages, and henceforth, kingdoms in Their name, ruled by individuals selected by the Curators in order to bring fair and just order to Man's peoples and Civilizations, and thus, the force that would become known as Humanity would form amongst the Lands of the World, which they would name Treon, as their Artifex had willed it, from which their existence would be lived forever.
And the Omniverse listened...

The major events and journals in Maria's history, from the beginning to today.

The Archives of the Seraphim Iris: Codex Creationis [Book of Intinium] [1]

If you are reading these Archives, that means that you have been especially chosen either by myself or to those in which I have placed my utmost trust to carry on my legacy in the event of either my passing or my spiriting away across the infinitesimal pl...

07:29 am - 26.04.2024

I didn't know the Nexus had social media...even if it's kinda stuck in the 21st century. What do people write in these? Motivational stuff? Just general feelings? I've gotta say that even in my own realm, I never really messed around with the concept much, so excuse me if I end up typing something that hurts your feelings or comes off the wrong way. I know human feelings tend to be rather delicate like that. Anyways, hello, humble human-or-not that happened to stumble upon this page that serves as an archive of everything that I've accomplished or have yet to! My name is Maria Aderon, and I'm just a curious soul that loves to explore and find out the truth behind the worlds I visit on my journeys throughout the infinite planes of the omniverse. You might be reading some of my archives and thinking that I'm nothing but a bundle of trouble that has problems beyond the paygrade of your average rocket scientist, but trust me when I say that when you get to know me, I'm actually quite friendly! I enjoy martial arts, cooking, meditating, tabletop games, reading, writing, making cute things, and most importantly, bad puns. I don't wanna post where I'm at right now. I tend to like to keep that to myself, but if you ever find me on your travels, feel free to say hi!

09:12 pm - 17.04.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Maria.

Played by
Mars Aderon

The phantom living forever in the back of your mind.