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Bio SoulScan Results:

Personal Data
Name Alira Hill
Alias The Youngest
Species Beastkin
Biological age 18
Chronological Age 2171
Appearance Description
Entity Type
Entity Subtype A
Light Aspect by The MetaverseRPN Team
STR 40
PER 40
END 40
CHA 40
INT 50
AGI 40
LUC 40
Ascension Level 0.32192809488736235
Statcap 80
MP 1199/1199
HP 2360
Max MP 1199
Max HP 2360
Power Classification Delta Particular
Ascension Keys 0
Is soulless?
Offensive Will 530
Defensive Will 530
WQ 1140
Melee Dmg(By hand) 40
Accuracy 480
Evasion 480
IQ 1080
Max Speed 160
Visual Acuity 8
███████████ ████

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Statblock Type

MRPN 1ed Character Entry
