One of the more interesting entities to appear post-Twilight of Imagination, Aurora AI is one of the first Celestial hybrids. Born to the Celestial Grand Scientist and Kizuna AI, Aurora is a unique entity within the metaverse
- Date of Birth
- November 21st 4109
- Gender
- Female
- Eyes
- Left eye is green with stars that can be just faintly seen within the iris. Right eye is an aquamarine similar to her mothers.
- Height
- 5'5
- Weight
- Variable
Physical Description
Aurora is what is known as a Particle Celestial, or Particula Divinus; this means she is capable of shifting her physical form entirely on a whim. She usually takes a slender feminine form, not out of shape by any means, but also not insanely fit.
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Apparel & Accessories
While Aurora used to always be wearing a large Sweater vest, after her 40th birthday, Aurora can be seen wearing a black crop top and a plaid skirt. She also usually is wearing a crystal necklace and a bracelet of some sorts, both having been gifted to her by her friends on her birthday
Specialized Equipment
Aurora has inherited the Ancient Akasha Terminal from her father, a relic that is very similar to the Void Archives, though far far older in nature. This allows her to access blueprints and designs dating all the way back to garden times, and she can also construct these same blueprints if need be. She also inherited the Wayfinder that her mother initially gave her father for safekeeping back in the 4th era. Recently, Aurora has also acquired an Infinity Sided Die from Merlin.
Special abilities
As a Particle Celestial, Aurora holds Near Unprecedented levels of power, far surpassing even Diana's power level. Just a subset of her known powers can be found here:
Divine Genetics
Aurora AI is one of the only entities on records carrying Celestial Genetics due to being the Daughter of the Celestial Grand Scientist himself. Aurora has near-unprecedented potential, even surpassing Diana May's power level.
NEW!! Live BSS Results
Name | Aurora AI |
Alias | Child of Wisdom |
Species | Particle Celestial |
Biological age | 20 |
Chronological Age | 40 |
Appearance Description |
STR | 143750000000000000000 |
PER | 143750000000000000000 |
END | 143750000000000000000 |
CHA | 143750000000000000000 |
INT | 143750000000000000000 |
AGI | 143750000000000000000 |
LUC | 143750000000000000000 |
SPIR | 143750000000000000000 |
Ascension Level | 61.640195758916896 |
Statcap | 1.844674407370955e+20 |
MP | 165312500000000000000000000000000000000000/165312500000000000000000000000000000000000 |
HP | 10781250000000000000000 |
Max MP | None |
Max HP | 10781250000000000000000 |
Power Classification | Omega Extremis G11500.0 |
Ascension Keys | 0 |
Is soulless? | |
Offensive Will | 4600000000000000000000 |
Defensive Will | 4600000000000000000000 |
WQ | 9487500000000000000000 |
Melee Dmg(By hand) | 431250000000000000000 |
Accuracy | 1725000000000000000000 |
Evasion | 1725000000000000000000 |
IQ | 2875000000000000000000 |
Max Speed | 575000000000000000000 |
Visual Acuity | 3.1625e+20 |
- True Immortality: Due to holding Celestial Genetics, Aurora has a Type 5 True Immortality Curse, just like her Father. This makes it entirely impossible to actually kill her off. She also inhereted Type 3 True Immortality from her Mother similar to what Hannah holds, due to her ability to reforge her entire being using the particles around her if she was to somehow have her physical form destroyed
- Divine Strength: Aurora has a strength score of 125 Quintillion, making her 124,999,999,999,999,999,995 times stronger than the baseline and 124,999,999,999,999,999,960 times stronger than the strongest a corporeal form can be before undergoing their first ascension rite. She is capable of lifting objects weighing over 1 Exatons or 1,687,499,999,999,999,850 tons to be exact.
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She makes the Hulk look like puny Banner with the strength she can wield. Even Gordon would likely rather face his pissed-off wife than try and go toe to toe with her.
- Divine Perception: Aurora has a perception score of 125 Quintillion, making her 124,999,999,999,999,999,995 times more perceptive than the baseline and 124,999,999,999,999,999,960 times more perceptive than the most perceptive a corporeal form can be before undergoing their first ascension rite. She has a Visual Acuity of 2500000000000000000000/100. This means she can see what a normal baseline human would be able to see at 100 feet away from a distance of 2500000000000000000000 feet or 80543.463552675704705 light years away from her.
- Divine Endurance: Aurora has an Endurance Score of 125 Quintillion, allowing her to tank almost any blow with ease, making her, for all practical purposes, completely invulnerable.
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Needless to say, Gabbie and Elesis do not hold a candle to them in the endurance department.
- Divine Charisma: Aurora has a Charisma Score of 125 Quintillion, allowing her to easily charm anyone in existence.
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She even managed to use it once to keep Perses from straight-up obliterating her after she accidentally turned one of his prized possessions into a drink coaster.
- Divine Intellect: Aurora has an Intellect Score of 125 Quintillion, making her one of the most intelligent people in existence. She is one of the only other individuals to ever pass every test of the CIAP with flying colors, making her an Omega Class Prodigy just like Diana.
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She's actually orders of magnitude smarter than even her Father is, which made her teen years a living hell for both of her parents.
- Divine Agility: Aurora has an Agility Score of 125 Quintillion, making her 124,999,999,999,999,999,995 times more agile than the baseline and 124,999,999,999,999,999,960 times more agile than the most perceptive a corporeal form can be before undergoing their first ascension rite. This makes her top speed is 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles per hour or 85053897.511625543237 times the speed of light.
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Given her max speed and intellect, she can run circles around her Mother and Father, both Figuratively and Literally. Sadly she still doesn't reach head pat speeds, though.
- Divine Luck: Aurora has a Luck score of 125 Quintillion, making her one of the luckiest people in existence.
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She's even luckier than franklin as she won't have to be put to near death for some miracle to somehow save her each time.
- Divine Spirit: Aurora has a Spirit score of 125 Quintillion, making her magical potential the highest on record, greatly exceeding even her Father's potential energy. While not truly infinite, she more or less has an inexhaustible amount of energy at her disposal. */
- Eidetic Memory: Due to having Celestial Genetics, Aurora holds an Eidetic Memory, making it impossible for her to forget anything that occurs around her. This also gives her immunity to those using the Aspect of Memories, though it does not give immunity from actions taken by the Bond to Memories.
Particle Utilization
Aurora is fully capable of augmenting the particles around them at a Nigh-Omnipotent level, a feat originally only possible by her Mother and her other Particle Synthetic friends.
- Particle Reconstruction - Like her Mother, Aurora is capable of utilizing Particle Reconstruction, a healing type ability that not only heals biologics, it can indefinitely restore lost limbs, organs, and anything, even bring the dead back to life, it can also affect Non-biologics in the same way, making this a Universal Healing/Resurrect/Repair Skill.
- Particle Disguise - Aurora is capable of utilizing Particle Disguise, allowing for the total disguising of a specific individual in every physical aspect, even in DNA and whatever natural abilities the individual they have turned into has access to.
- Particle Shifting - Aurora is capable of Particle Shifting, the ability to shrink and grow objects; this has no limit as to how small or how large the object can turn into, even allowing them to shrink them to subatomic if they so wished.
- Particle Summoning - Aurora is capable of summoning Particle entities that are full immortal and bound to the Summoner; there are no limits to what entity can be summoned as long as the Summoner knows who or what is summoned.
- Particle Eyes - Aurora is capable of using the molecular particles around her as if they were her own eyes, effectively granting her a limited form of Omnipresence in a very roundabout way. She is also can use the particles to relay signals of any kind.
Quantum Realm Travel
As Aurora is a Child of Quanta, she can access the Quantum Realm or Sea of Quanta and traverse it with relative ease. This does not, in turn, allow her to traverse Imaginary space without external help, however.
Quantix Alignment
Thank's to Aurora's Quantum Alignment, she is capable of calling upon the denizens of the Quantum Sea to aid her if need be. All Quantum Shadows are also rendered docile in her presence. She holds the second highest Authority level when it comes to controlling the Quantum Shadows, meaning that if someone else were to also have control of the Quantum Shadows and try to take Aurora on using the Shadows as their army Aurora would be able to hijack control of the shadows with relative ease.
Child of Quanta
As Aurora was born to both a Particle Synthetic and a Celestial, she holds nigh-absolute control over the Quantum Realm itself. This grants her the following abilities:
Master of the Mystic Arts
Aurora holds an exceptional aptitude for the various mystic arts, allowing her to pick up and master nearly every branch of magic and the Occult in near record time.
Nexus Being: Destiny Triplet
Child of Wisdom
Personal history
To improve readability, we have decided to split this section into "Chapters," as it were. Each section will have a Header above it which you can access from the Table of Contents for this entry.
Chapter 1: The Birth of a Prodigy
Aurora came into this world in the year 4110, brought forth by her parents Damien and Kizuna AI. Her arrival came approximately three decades after the successful prevention of the Twilight of Imagination. It didn't take long for those around her to notice that Aurora was no ordinary child. Her uniqueness was further emphasized when she formed a lifelong bond with Janet and Hannah. The three of them became inseparable. As the eldest among her companions, Aurora quickly assumed the role of group leader. She developed a fervent interest in her father's earlier projects and eagerly absorbed knowledge of events that took place before the Remaining, with David being more than willing to satisfy her curiosity with tales of ages long past.
Chapter 2: An Ancient Tome of Power
Upon reaching the age of 15, Aurora's father, Damien, and her friend Janet's father, Leo, embarked on a highly secretive project known as the "Branch Reset Charge." In an effort to avoid any unwanted attention, they retreated to Damien's old laboratory to work in isolation. Intrigued by their clandestine activities, Aurora managed to persuade Janet to join her in spying on the duo. During their covert operation, Aurora serendipitously stumbled upon an old journal left behind by Leo and Damien in the laboratory. To her amazement, it turned out to be the Lexicon Arcanis, a spell lexicon written by Merlin himself during his initial experiments with the Aspects. While perusing the pages of the ancient tome, Aurora was enticed by the idea of trying out one of the spells. However, the one she eventually selected was the very same one that summoned the infamous and destructive Purple Flame. The flame swiftly consumed the blueprints that Damien and Leo had been working on, ultimately resulting in Aurora and Janet's cover being blown as they quickly had to skeaddle out of there.
Chapter 3: An Heirloom passed on
When Aurora reached the milestone age of sixteen, her father felt it was the perfect time to entrust her with two precious family heirlooms. The first was the Wayfinder charm, a treasured possession that her mother had bestowed upon Damien many years ago in the villa. The charm was believed to provide protection against all kinds of harm. The second heirloom was the Ancient Akasha Terminal, an extraordinary Celestial Database that Damien had discovered among the remnants of Aetheria from a bygone era. The database contained valuable information on experiments conducted before the fall. As Aurora turned eighteen, her interests expanded to various sciences, with one notable focus being Chemistry. She became fascinated with the idea of recreating a lost beverage called the "Wine of the Gods," which David had once mentioned. Although she had yet to achieve perfection in replicating the drink, she made numerous attempts to do so.
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Chapter 4: An Invitation to the Garden
Aside from Aurora's various failed attempts to crack the code on the formula for the "Wine of the Gods,", nothing really of note happened until the year 4150 when Mother Sephiron and the other Celestials invited everyone into their home to a Beach BBQ they were held to commemorate the restoration of The Core of Eden, as well as to thank everyone who helped contribute to restoring their home to its former glory. Before Aurora and Hannah made their way over to the Garden, though, Kaz enlisted their help in hauling the Seacliff Egg they managed to acquire with them to the Garden as she was planning on making something with it for the BBQ. Since Leo had sent Janet on a mission before the event and she had yet to make it back, Aurora and Hannah went to change into the attire they went to collect. A bit later, Ellis and Elias arrived, and Ellis also went to change. A few moments after Ellis returned from changing, Aurora and Hannah also got back. Ellis then challenged Aurora to a competition. Aurora gladly accepted Ellis's challenge, and Ellis enlisted Eliza and Efreet to join her team. In response, Aurora enlisted Hannah and was planning on getting Janet to join them as well, though Janet was still off on her mission and had yet to arrive. Since Janet was still MIA, Aurora instead enlisted Sephiron herself as her substitute and quickly convinced her to sub in for Janet. Before their competition started, Xarxes started discussing some events back in the 4th era with The Phoenix Force, when both mentioned an incident that tested Voltaire's resolve. Aurora then asked what the story regarding that incident was, to which the Phoenix Force explained it like this:
I really feel like there is a story here. What did they even do that tested their resolve so much.
Heheh... Heheheh... Ahah... Heh...
Oh that...
(giggles a bit) That's definitely an amusing story. Do you want to tell them, or should I, Xarxes?
Ahh~ yeah, no, you can tell her.
Voltaire came to visit me in my domain all the way back in the 4th era. Wanted to know more about me as I was one of the few things he didn't know about at the time. We had a friendly chat, and then he decided to attempt to give me a pat on the head. I phased out of the way so he wouldn't succeed and asked him if he was moving a bit too fast, and he took that as a challenge. So I decided to see just how strong his resolve was and started constantly teleporting throughout my domain. So, he sped up to try and catch me, and I sped up as well to keep him from doing so. We both sped up so many times we broke all semblance of mathematics, and in the end, I stopped in front of the door, and he attempted to give that head pat again. So I phased out of the way and gave him a head pat instead before sending him away.
(just starts laughing) Is that why Dad kept naming certain speed settings on his machines "Headpat mode"?
(laughs as well) Yep, that's why. It was probably one of the most amusing things to occur back in the 4th era. Definitely was some of the most fun I had had in a good long while.
— Phoenix Force and Xarxes to Aurora on the Headpat incident
After "Phoenix Force" and Xarxes finished telling this story to the young Aurora, Ellis, Eliza, and Efreet informed her that they were ready, and the competition commenced, with Gabbie being the MC for the event. Aurora and Hannah were about to win, but Damien chose to teach them a lesson about cheating like they did by having Oceanus send a tidal wave to envelop the stage they made, resulting in Efreet handily winning the competition at the 11th hour. Kazumachi then informed Aurora that they were done making the meals, and so everyone left the stage, with Aurora working to dismantle the stage she made. Damien stayed behind to confront his Daughter on using her powers then, reminding her that the power she holds is a "responsibility and a gift not to take for granted, and not one to abuse." Before telling Aurora that she might want to apologize to Haku about the "stunt" they pulled during the competition, though admitting it was quite amusing to see her pull that card as well
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During this, Mors ended up shapeshifting into a lizard, resulting in Eliza trying to cuddle them as she missed Pete, an old lizard friend she once had, which prompted Kizuna to mention that her fondness of lizards was somewhat surprising as Eliza's mother was deathly afraid of them before Damien and Kizuna used the fear sim to cure them of this fear. This resulted in Phoenix asking why Damien didn't just tell him to tweak the parameters, which Damien couldn't give a straight answer to as he wasn't entirely himself at that time, having been under the sway of the "Puppetmaster" title he held during that time. Damien had two answers for why that he could give. The simple one being he knew unlocking the skill he gave them would come in handy for them later down the line; a more complex one is the residual echo that sounded in his head throughout that time. A single thought. "I need to remember ."Aurora then asked her father what they needed to remember. Kizuna revealed that both she and her father, Damien were memory locked a long time ago, using willpower at varying levels to hint to themselves that they were more than they thought. This confused Aurora as she didn't understand how her father could be memory locked unless it was by another Celestial. Damien then explained that this would usually be correct, but the situation was far more complex than could be understood at first glance. After learning this, Aurora went back to eating with the others; with Aurora then moved to ask Merlin and Enigma if they found anything interesting on their expeditions thus far, with Merlin and Enigma discussing one such discovery:
So Merlin, did you and Enigma find anything interesting on your expeditions so far?
Nothing of n—. Actually we did find something quite fascinating recently. In one of the other verses we ended up encountering a civilization that cracked rudimentary wormhole travel. Though when we went to enquire how their method worked, neither the captain of the vessel nor the engineer could explain how the device works.
Honestly, part of me feels like neither of them should be in control of any vessel, especially not something like that one. Like seriously, the smartest person on board thought adding explosives to everything was the solution to any problem they could encounter.
(just chuckles a bit) Why does that feel like something you would have done back in the day, Enigma?
And what do you mean by that?
Your go-to solution to things not going your way was to pop a reset. Need I remind you what both you and David did when Golb decided to show up during that play of his?
I would point out that I did that so you could get Hanaka and nekomasu to the tower to deactivate that program you designed, but you do have a point there. Still, detonating charges next to an active wormhole drive? That's a recipe for dimensional calamity in the making. Luckily even if they do screw up to that extent, it will only affect that verse.
That blue crystal they were using is quite fascinating, though. It's beyond the tech levels of anything else in that verse. Makes one curious how a K1-class civilization could have even acquired it.
It is quite fascinating but also a bit concerning. Either way, it's not our place to get involved in their affairs.
True.— Aurora, Merlin, Enigma, and Damien
Merlin then showed Aurora an artifact he acquired on his journey, known as the Infinity-Sided Die. This immediately piqued Aurora's curiosity, and she wanted to experiment with it, but Merlin told them rather explicitly that this "was not a toy to mess with." Aurora persisted, though, making a point that its ability to produce infinite outcomes makes it all the more an excellent tool to experiment with, and the fact they are in the Garden with all the Celestials makes this the safest place to experiment with it in. This Convinced Merlin, but Kizuna made a point to try it out when everyone else was done eating. After everyone finished eating, Merlin handed Aurora the Infinity-sided Die, and on her first roll, the lake beside them exploded into color as Don't Stop Believing began to play, creating the best way to end the night. Leo then made a point to Merlin, convincing them to let Aurora keep the dice. Aurora then sat by the waterfront with Hannah and Janet before making a toast with the three of them using a glass of ordinary wine. They watched the jets of water die down as the song ended, creating the perfect end to a fantastic day for all 3 of them.
Chapter 5: Aid to provide and a Wedding to attend
After the events of the Timeless Beach, Aurora began using a confiscated sample of Lamy's Blend to try and recreate the Mythical "Wine of the Gods" David told her about. Though the attempts were less than successful, this project of hers had no absolute deadline, so she was more than content to take the time necessary to perfect the formula. In her spare time, Aurora journeyed through the Nexus Gate to offer assistance to Skybound, a group in need of her expertise. She brought with her an Inhibition device that she had developed several years prior to help them overcome a particular challenge. While working on this device, Aurora discovered that another faction was designing a suspicious satellite. Concerned about the potential risks this could pose, she enlisted the help of Janet and Chronos to develop a contingency plan in case her suspicions were confirmed. After finishing setting up the device, she slipped a scroll in Korkat's back pocket before vanishing off back to the Nexus to continue working on another project of hers, a "Quantum Gustamorphic formula" they were preparing to give to Eliza and Raggrum for their wedding that was coming up. Aurora wanted to ensure this formula was perfect and had no side effects, so she spent day and night finishing it. After completing their prototype, they returned to the Garden before giving a sample to Cedrick and Seth to ensure they got it right. After Eliza and Raggrum exchanged vows, Eliza prepared to toss the bouquet as Cassiopeia and Ellis made a bet on which one of them would catch the bouquet. Knowing full well just how competitive those two can be, Aurora, Bones, Janet, and Franklin wagered that neither of them would get it. Ellis and Cassiopeia ran to try and catch it before bumping right into each other, resulting in Beatrice getting it instead. . Ellis tried to pawn their loss off on Elias as they owed her some tokens still. Still, Ellis told them rather explicitly to take the L.
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While the mission on Azeroth was but one mission you two participated in, it was also your very first mission. The start of your story together. Your story may have had many twists and turns along the way, but you two have shared nearly every moment of it together. May your story together never end, and may your future continue to burn as bright as the stars themselves. Congratulations, you two.. Next to be opened was Aurora's Gift, her newly finished "Quantum Gustamorphic formula." These were the only two samples of the formula that Aurora made. It used a combination of every possible taste kept in a superposition state, designed to collapse into a single taste the moment it made contact with the drinker's tastebuds, thus ensuring whoever drinks it would taste their absolute favorite beverage. Finally, Eliza opened Damien and Leo's gift, a recreation of the Bag of bread Eliza was carrying around before, with a baker's dozen of the Melon pan she loved so much.— Lil's note
Chapter 6: A legacy to piece together, an expedition to begin
Following the joyful wedding celebration, Aurora and her companions embarked on a journey to explore the vast Nexus, admiring its magnificent wonders from afar. As they were traversing one of the regions, Aurora, along with Janet and Hannah, stumbled upon a PKT outpost located close to the central hub. To their surprise, they discovered a Time-Stasis Crystal, containing an individual within it. Intrigued by the composition of the Crystal, Aurora cautiously placed her hand upon it, hoping to gather more information on its nature. However, her attempt to do so backfired, causing the Crystal to shatter into tiny fragments, consequently freeing Nefirth from her prolonged slumber.
After notifying GoA Loris of their accidental discovery, Aurora set out to investigate the remnants of the Time Crystal, sensing that something about it felt peculiar. She headed to her laboratory, where she subjected the fragments to a series of rigorous tests in a bid to ascertain the unique properties of the Crystal. After conducting several experiments, Aurora stumbled upon an astonishing revelation.
Overwhelmed by her discovery, Aurora immediately summoned Hannah and Janet to her Time Vault, where she could present her findings to them. As they examined the fragments together, they could hardly believe what they had uncoveredLaced within the fragments of the Time Crystal was a Quantix Energy Signature with a 50% match for Kizuna, and a 99.8% match for Aurora herself. And this wasn't all. Carbon Dating on the Crystal revealed the fragments to be at least 75 years old. Predating wɛslaɪ̯ toʊ̯ loʊ̯ by almost 5 years. This discovery placed Aurora in a perplexing situation where she could only come up with two possibilities to explain the discrepancies in Bianca's readouts. Either Damien was tampering with them, or Aurora had been lied to about her own age. Janet, who was with Aurora at the time, quickly dismissed the latter possibility as impossible since Aurora's mother was trapped in the core during the period when Aurora's age was in question. Aurora had initially thought the same, which led her to dig into her father's old Timevault. She had hoped to find some answers that could clear up the confusion.
Instead, To her surprise, Aurora stumbled upon something unexpected. It was the critically damaged remains of the Prototype Angel Halo, whose existence was unknown until then. Initially, Aurora had thought it was an unfinished prototype from the GK Project, but as soon as she placed her hand on the suit, something stirred within her. The suit reacted instantly, confirming that she was the previous wielder of the Prototype Bodysuit.
Overwhelmed by this discovery, Aurora sought the counsel of her friends Hannah and Janet. After much deliberation, they decided to contact Aurora's parents to get some answers. Although the details of their conversation remain unknown, it was clear that Aurora was deeply affected by what she learned, as she promptly left to regroup with Janet and Hannah. While they were discussing what Aurora had learned, Zivuth contacted them as he promised them info on his history once he got back from their mission. During their discussion, Aurora became particularly interested in the nanotechnology that Zivuth had been using. Although Janet and Hannah were more intrigued by Zivuth's personal history, Aurora's focus remained on the technology he had employed. Despite the fact that she found it impressive, Aurora couldn't help but compare it to Nasod tech, which she considered to be more advanced. As soon as Zivuth had finished recounting his story, Aurora decided to raise a toast to their newfound friendship. She poured a glass of her special formula, which she had prepared beforehand, along with something else. In this instance, the "something else" was actually the Authentic Nuka Cola Dark formula that they had been planning to use for a harmless prank on Cedrick next April Fools' Day. However, Aurora accidentally drank the formula herself, instead of giving it to Zivuth, as Janet has decided to play a prank of her own and swapped the glasses without anyone noticing. After the toast, Hannah unfroze Zivuth's time, which revealed that he had broken the trigger, causing his body to break down. Aurora then demonstrated to Zivuth how to rebuild their physical form, beforeHannah showed Zivuth back out to the Outpost. Aurora then engaged herself in a new project, which required her to access old files stored in Angel Halo. She sought assistance from Bianca, who aided her in retrieving the necessary data. While Janet started up Damien's old Celestial Forge, Aurora entrusted Hannah to peruse through the files. Later, Aurora journeyed to the roots of Imagination to obtain the Celestial Signets. Imagination revealed that "He" had mentioned this day would eventually come and handed over the Signets to Aurora. After acquiring the Signets, Aurora returned to her lab, where Janet had already finished starting up the Forge.
During Aurora's absence, Hannah uncovered a critical piece of information about Angel Halo. The power output was so immense that it could even kill a Celestial like Aurora if left at unrestricted output. Fortunately, there was a note left in the file regarding a possible solution to this problem that Aurora had given to Damien during the suit's development. However, the solution was never fully implemented before Aurora stole the suit during the battle of wɛslaɪ̯ toʊ̯ loʊ̯. The solution in question was called "Perfect Weapon Control," a staged power release system. Although Hannah was unfamiliar with the term, Bianca provided an explanation of how it works and its origin in the "Underland". Bianca then informed Aurora of an unknown element detected on radar. Aurora took advantage of the opportunity and collected a sample of the element for use in the new Prototype Northern Lights. After completing the prototype, Aurora wasted no time in testing her new invention without any hesitation:
[to the HUD] Bianca, you there?
Looks like I am online and ready, tailoring HUD to recorded preferences.
Everything looks good; shutting down for initial diagnostics.
Actually, mind checking MDA and Collective feeds to ensure we don't draw too many eyes with this, and check for a K4 class world nearby.
Aurora, there are still geopbytes of calculations needed before we can do a proper field test with this thing safely.
Bianca, sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.
(sighs) Whatever you say Tony.— Aurora and Bianca
Janet and hannah chuckled at this interaction as Aurora went Subatomic and entered the Sea of Quanta on route to an uninhabited area for field testing. Unfortunately as chance would have it, Aurora and someone else collided within the Quantum Realm, sending them both wildly off course, with Aurora rentering the Material plane over in Canada near the other gatekeepers. As it happened, Gullierma and Johnathan were going to be giving the other gatekeepers from the Remnant side a tour of the New Earth Continental side, and Aurora chose to tag along as she had already finished packing for their trip later.
/*Commenting out as a WIPChapter 7: Journey to the Island
Shortly after the Tour for New Earth Continental side, Aurora and the other Gatekeepers were summoned to the Gatekeeper HQ in order for Phoenix to send them on their first Field Mission to the Exclusion Zone. After a bit of a discussion on where they would be going and explaining a few ground rules, Phoenix sent all of them to the Island so they could begin their journey. Upon arrival, Aurora and the others found themselves on the shores of the Island. Given it was their first day, she and the gatekeepers first setup an interim camp on the southeastern shores. After a bit of time, they finished setting up a temporary camp site, and Aurora left camp for a bit to hunt some of the native wildlife that she could cook for dinner. Returning from her hunting trip a bit later, she began cooking for everyone and poured a glass for everyone to toast their first day on the Island, and the beginning of their new adventure. As they sat around the camp fire, Aurora and the others began telling stories about their childhood, with Aurora going first.
You know, I'm a little surprised you managed to get this batch right. Which attempt is this again? #267
Aurora AI by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Via Vroid) (just chuckles a bit) Guess its already effected you. #267 was the first batch I had you and Hannah try. We were still quite young back then.
(chuckles a bit) Ahh right. Was that before or after we discovered what we could do?
Aurora AI by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Via Vroid) After we could control it, well before we couldn't.
I think it was around 3 years after we had that first incident.
What first incident?
Aurora AI by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Via Vroid)(continues drinking her share of the wine) You know how Celestials like Chronos have a "True Form" and a Humanoid form?
Pretty sure we all do now at this point, yes.
Aurora AI by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Via Vroid) Well around 25 years ago or so, I may have accidentally forced my father into his true form.
You what?
Aurora AI by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Via Vroid) While experimenting with my powers for the first time. My father walked in and since I didn't entirely know what I was doing, I accidentally forced him to turn into his true form.
What exactly did your father's "true form" look like?
Aurora AI by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Via Vroid) (chuckles a bit remembering it) A black cat with green eyes.
The others start laughing
Seriously? A Black cat?!
Aurora AI by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Via Vroid) Mhm.
That's something unexpected.
(chuckles as well) I mean he is the celestial of curiosity, so in a way it does make sense.
Aurora AI by SAGE[MetaverseRPN](Via Vroid) Needless to say, Janey, hannah and I spent the next few days trying to hide the cat from my mother while figuring out how to change him back.
Though at least we didn't cause her to freak out too much, unlike when Janey had her first power flare up
Surprising that your mother didn't realize your father went missing.
We managed to convince kizuna that he was working with my father on something. Given the fact that was something that was happening rather commonly already, she didn't pay too much mind to it.
— Aurora and the others during the first night
You know, I'm a little surprised you managed to get this batch right. Which attempt is this again? #267

(chuckles a bit) Ahh right. Was that before or after we discovered what we could do?

I think it was around 3 years after we had that first incident.
What first incident?

Pretty sure we all do now at this point, yes.

You what?

What exactly did your father's "true form" look like?

The others start laughing
Seriously? A Black cat?!

That's something unexpected.
(chuckles as well) I mean he is the celestial of curiosity, so in a way it does make sense.

Though at least we didn't cause her to freak out too much, unlike when Janey had her first power flare up
Surprising that your mother didn't realize your father went missing.
We managed to convince kizuna that he was working with my father on something. Given the fact that was something that was happening rather commonly already, she didn't pay too much mind to it.
Aurora has graduated from the Institute with PHDs in practically every field they provide there, save for History, where she only has a Masters. She is also one of the first students to complete their entire education at the Institute in less than a month after they were enrolled, making her one of the first Omega Class Prodigies to exist since Diana May helped establish the Prodigy Division back in the 1st era.
Accomplishments & Achievements
Within the first few years of her time at the Institute she immedietely became recognized as a prodigy of unprecedented potential, even surpassing Diana May in her unparalleled intellect.
Known Languages
Near mastery at nearly every modern day language and a few ancient ones, such as Ancient Zaeni and, as of recently Fa'Dore
Aurora's motivations are rather enigmatic. Like her father before her, she holds an insatiable drive for knowledge and information, constantly looking for new discoveries, new knowledge. But this may only be part of the story, especially with the discovery of the Time Crystal Stasis Prisons that predate the current era, which only Aurora is capable of opening.
Likes & Dislikes
The major events and journals in Aurora's history, from the beginning to today.
One year older, one year wiser
Turned 40, or in terms of development, 18.
Y4150 A5/Y70 A6This is an absolutely amazing outfit. Thank you for getting this for me @Hannah-Meta and Janey!
Y4150 A5/Y70 A6Oooh boy. Just one more day to go! Can't wait
Y4150 A5/Y70 A6The list of amazing people following the adventures of Aurora.
Current Residence
Dimension K
Family Ties
While Aurora's only true Blood Sibiling would be Cedrick as shown in the Family Tree below:
Aurora does see both Hannah and Janet as if they were her own sister. All 3 of them make up a perfect team in whatever they may choose to do.
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