The Ancient Guardian of Creation, the Doctor, the OMEGA. Of all the Ancient Guardians, Oliver has had a far more direct hand in the shaping of the Current Era than any other.
- Age
- Almost as old as the Nexus itself.
- Date of Birth
- Unknown, Presumably Early 1st Era
- Eyes
- Creation Blue Eyes
- Hair
- Short Black Hair
Before the advent of the Celestials, during the previous eras, it was believed by most that there were 4 main forces of nature: Creation and Destruction, Light and Darkness. During this period of history, the balance between these forces were believed to be what maintained the very nature of existence. As such, maintaining said balance was considered to be paramount for the survival and continued existence of the Nexus. In order to ensure this was achieved, Ancient Guardians were charged with keeping these forces in balance with one another. Each of the Ancient Guardians had their hand in shaping the history of the Nexus, placing their hands on the proverbial scale and tipping the odds in favor of the outcomes they believed best served their purposes. However of these Ancient Guardians, there is one particular entity who had, arguably the largest impact on shaping the history of the Nexus leading up to the current era we know today. And that, would be Oliver Bravesoul, the Ancient Guardian of Creation.
Personal history
To improve readability, we have decided to split this section into "Chapters," as it were. Each section will have a Header above it which you can access from the Table of Contents for this entry.
Preface [strikethrough]Or, Sage's small rant about how hard it was to even begin to catalog this[/strikethrough]
Before we get into the beginning of Oliver's history, it is worth taking some time to explain why Oliver's history is a little... muddled to say the least.. One of the first things you discover when you begin to try and compile a personal history for someone like Oliver is that the history itself, contradicts itself in several different ways. For one, back in the 3rd and 4th era, there was a time that, according to established history, Oliver, known back then as The Omega, created the Nexus himself(the term for this place was even named after him for a time, supporting this supposed fact) was the last of his kind, an "Author"(whatever that means) and was originally known as the Mortal who attempted to save and recreate his world. However, ALL of this gets immedietely contradicted when you cross reference this "history" with the "new history" established after Damien and Elio's first public appearances later into the 4th era, which state that Omega was created in Elio's image and that's why he has the Phoenix Curse Elio holds(Which his holding of the Phoenix Curse can at least be verified by the fact Oliver's Children are also proven to also hold it). This form of "history" at least has verifiable evidence to back it up in the form of the curse his three children Althea, Ashia and Frost hold, but it AGAIN gets contradicted by the reveals of the DWs in the 5th era, when David revealed the existence of Management back to the Public, revealing they were behind the Nexus and created Oliver first, at least 100 years BEFORE the Phoenix Project that produced Elio's existence had even STARTED[strikethrough]Don't ask how that even works since he allegedly was born with the Phoenix Curse, a curse that is directly embodied by Elio, someone who he predates by at minimum 100 years. Oh and his Origin isn't even the most muddled part about all this... His supposed signature weapon throws an even bigger wrench in all of this. Some sources claim Oblivionaire was given to him after he bested the first Death and managed to crack the first Oblivion key, the key to Apothesis(Oh yeah, thosekeys were also a thing for a time... Allegedly...) Other sources say Elio bestowed it on him before entering his slumber... And others say Management gave it to him before going entirely off the grid. Oh and when you look at Era 5 Information and Post pyûnf prû men information, Oblivionaire was said to be a form of Excalibur and directly forged by Damien back in Pre-Nexus time, with only him or someone sharing his same "Ambition" being able to reforge it after it is shattered(Not even Lil could reforge it herself when she tried originally). But there are records showing he shattered and reforged it himself at least 5 times, as that was a part of the Golden Lever Protocol and a part of a failsafe he created that Delta and Origin triggered Mid-Age 4 requiring a reconstruction of the Real...... OH RIGHT, ORIGIN... He was allegedly a thing for a time as well! And both him and Origin combined together to release Lethe, what was known to be the Proto-Theta... But Lethe isn't a Proto-Theta at all, she's the bonafide Regulator of Oblivion.... But all the Regulators were sealed in the Shards of Oblivioniare/Excalibur... But we have historical documents showing the Proto Theta Lethe showed up during a wedding incident in the 4th era...? [strikethrough] Side note: Why was it always weddings where existential catastrophes like that occured? Did someone just piss off whatever deity of weddings exists and they cursed every weddng to have the inevitable party crashed???[/strikethrough]
Needless to say... It's abundantly clear that basically all historical documentation that we had on Oliver's past can't be trusted by any stretch of the word. With this in mind... we are going to disregard basically any information we have from other sources on Oliver's past, and only work off of what Oliver himself was able to tell us regarding his history. This unfortunately means we'll have some holes in his history that we cannot feasibly plug, like whatever the hell happened to him during the period between when he first crash landed on Terra, and when he was woken up by Amiya in Chernobog, as even he still doesn't recall what all happened during that. But in the interest of making sure we can provide as accurate a personal history as possible without risking contradictions, we'll have to make due with what Oliver was willing to tell us regarding his past.
Chapter 1: Creation of a Guardian
Oliver was was created early into the 1st era by Management as part of the Guardian Project. As the first completely artificial Guardian, unlike the Proto-Guardian Leonardo, Codename: Omega, as Oliver was originally called, had no emotions or even a personality at the start. Born as a simple program designed to regulate Creation as a whole, Omega spent the initial days of his existence within the Epicenter being monitored directly by Merlin and Doctor Enigma. This all changed however, by the time of the Mark 33 Cataclysm and shattering. During the aftermath from this event, it was revealed that both Omega and Damien had somehow gained some semblance of sentiece as a side effect. This resulted in Management placing them under even stricter monitoring paramters in order to try and determine how this even occured... Unfortunately, unlike the case for Dark, Omega's initial spark of Sentience proved to be fleeting, as he soon reverted back to his program-like mentality.
Chapter 2: A Game of Wits
After the exile and sealing of Doctor Enigma near the end of the 1st era, Merlin secluded himself from the general public, giving Omega and Dark a lot less oversight into their operations going into the 2nd Era. Shortly after this occured, Dark, for reasons that would become much clearer later, ended up starting a sibiling rivalry with his younger brother Omega and proposed a contest. A battle of wits as he called it, using the Simulation Chamber within the Epicenter to simulate a battle between them both. The rules for said battle were simple.. Two rounds, one side defends while the other attacks, defender swapping with the attacker in the next round. No attacking or Defending directly, instead using forces provided by the Sim. Game would continue alternating rounds until one side fully conceded to the other. Omega agreed to these rules, and so they both begun this challenge, with Omega serving as the Defender for the first round. Unfortunately for Omega, he very quickly lost the first round, unable to defend properly Round 2, didn't fare much better for him, as it was quickly made clear he was even worse at attempting to attack than he was at defending. Omega was almost ready to concede, but Dark wasn't going to let them quit so easily. Ignoring his growing desire to fully concede, he disabled the ability for them to leave the Sim Chamber, forcing them to go at it again by tying the option to leave to Omega forcing Dark to concede rather than letting Omega concede himself. This inevitably forced him to continue this battle several times over in order to gain the ability to leave. But, as fate would have it, with each subsequent repitition, Omega got closer and closer to actually succeeding at defending against Dark's attack, with improvements, albeit far less quickly, at attacking as well. By the time of the 9999th iteration, Dark was on the backfoot in both attacking and defending, losing decisively to Omega. Dark, satisfied with this outcome and seemingly succeeding in whatever he was after with this, fully conceded the match and let them both leave. It would not become apparant what exactly Dark was attempting to do here until much much later on...
The major events and journals in Oliver's history, from the beginning to today.
The list of amazing people following the adventures of Oliver.
Current Residence
Safe Haven, Vytal